From 32-Year-Homeschool Veteran to Mompreneur
Using Everything I’ve Learned to Help Women
Feel Great and Live Well!
I am Donna Reish, Daily Intermittent Faster; curriculum author of over one hundred language arts and writing books; Daily IF teacher; blogger; Plexus Ambassador; health-seeker; recipe creator (and tester!); efficiency expert wanna-be; mushy, crazy-in-love wife of thirty-seven years; thirty-two year veteran (and now graduate!) from homeschooling seven children; ballroom dancer; Christ follower; Nonna; parent; and thinker.
Here you’ll find instruction and motivation for Daily Intermittent Fasting; Daily IF podcasts and videocasts; healthy recipes (with lots of info about how to use the recipes for all kinds of cooks and eaters); healthy mixes for baking, productivity and organizational tips; weight management help; ad lots of cheerleading. Oh, and hopefully encouragement and inspiration to “feel great and live well”!
What to Expect:
– Daily Intermittent Fasting—instruction, encouragement, and motivation for those following this amazing way of life. Start Up Charts, audios, videos, slideshows, articles, and more! You can learn how to IF without restrictions for WHAT to eat here! #eatanythingnoteverything
– Low Carb and Healthy Cooking—thirty-two years of homestyle cooking took a turn a few years ago to become a more “healthy home-made” cooking. I love to teach short cuts, healthy tips, and making over of traditionally unhealthy foods to healthier versions!
– Healthy Mixes that can be used to speed up your time and efficiency in the kitchen (while still creating delicious and healthy meals and desserts)
– Education—I am a teacher at heart (and curriculum author); I’m not happy if I am not teaching. I can teach you every step of the way how to practice Daily Intermittent Fasting, cook and bake lower in sugar, and feel great!
– Organizing tips and tools—whether you are a homemaker, homeschooler, work-at-home mom, or career mom, my tips will help you get organized quickly (without elaborate systems)
– Efficiency and time management—I love saving time; I crave time like some people crave money. With seven kids, we didn’t want to waste any time while raising them. The strategies I learned while managing a busy home, homeschooling, and writing over fifty thousand pages of curriculum will help any woman become more efficient and effective
Find Me!
– Helping people Daily Intermittent Fast and feel great right here!
– Blogging and teaching about homeschooling, home management, and language arts/writing at Character Ink
-Selling my curriculum at Character Ink Store
-Teaching about Plexus products and leading my network marketing team at Reishes Peeps Facebook page