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5 Ways We Lose Weight with Daily IF


We Lose Weight When Appetite Correction Sets In

After 3 to 4 weeks of consistent Daily Intermittent Fasting, a process called Appetite Correction sets in. During the first few weeks, people wonder how they will ever lose weight eating everything they want during a three five , four, or five hour eating window. However, Appetite Correction happens when we balance our hormones through Intermittent Fasting and we quit wanting to eat everything in sight.

Appetite Correction is a built in monitoring system, a natural boundary for us without us having to count anything or try to manipulate our food too much. We crave healthier foods with Appetite Correction, and by eating healthier foods, we are not eating as much junk. This results in weight loss. Moreover, Appetite Correction causes us to just be “done” eating when we would normally keep on eating more desserts and more treats at the end of our eating window.


We Lose Weight When Fat Adaption Happens

Daily Intermittent Fasting causes us to become Fat Adapted. Fat Adapted means that each day during our fast, we use up our circulating glucose and/or glycogen stores and start burning body fat rather than burning the food we just ate. That is, the food we ate yesterday gets burned up during the fast somewhere between the 12 and 16 hour mark, and our body goes into Fat Adaption where we burn our body fat for fuel.

This is when real weight loss occurs because this is similar to when the body goes into ketosis during a low-carb diet (keto diet). Our body moves seamlessly from burning circulating glucose and glycogen stores into burning its own body fat for fuel. Usually someone has to follow a very low-carb diet, such as 20 to 30 carbs a day, and/or much interval and high intensity exercising in order to burn body fat. Daily Intermittent Fasting does it for us naturally.


We Lose Weight When We Organically Eat Fewer Treats

When we start to do Daily Intermittent Fasting consistently, the combination of Fat Adaption and Appetite Correction and seeing our body shrink through fat burning causes us to organically eat more healthily. We stop wanting junk food as much, though we have the freedom to have treats, and we do not overeat as much.

Treats become just as they were intended to be – treats. We do not eat so many of them so that we have way too many calories in any given day. We organically and naturally eat better, and we lose weight in the process.


We Lose Weight When We Naturally Eat Fewer Carbs

A smaller eating window of three, four, or five hours will naturally yield fewer carbohydrates. It is thought that the average person eats 300 or 400 carbohydrates in any given day. A short eating window will often find the Intermittent Faster eating between 100 and 150 carbs per day.

While 150 carb sounds like a lot of carbs compared to the keto diet of 30 carbs, the fewer carbs we eat (along with moderate protein), will reduce the amount of circulating glucose and the amount of stored glycogen. This means that we will go into that Fat Adaption, or body fat burning, earlier….sometimes even at the 12 hour fasting mark for non-keto people.


We Lose Weight Over Time When We Create Evan a Small Calorie Deficit and Then Have Motivation From the Weight Loss

When we have shorter eating windows of three, four, and five hours, and we also have Appetite Correction, we will have a calorie deficit many days of the week. So even without considering being Fat Adapted, eating fewer carbs, consuming fewer treats, having Appetite Correction, etc., we are creating a calorie deficit every week.

If a person stays on Daily Intermittent Fasting consistently, overtime, that person will naturally lose weight from a small calorie deficit in addition to all of the other perks of weight loss that occur with Daily Intermittent Fasting. And….weight loss breeds more weight loss. Success leads to more success.


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