Yep! You read that title right. Isn’t it amazing???
Until July 8th, you can join Plexus as a wholesaler (or a biz builder, if you’d like!) for free!!
Amaze-balls, huh?
My husband and I have earned 12 join-for-free codes to share with you!

What does this mean?
✔️No $40 annual membership
✔️Wholesale pricing on all 22 natural products for one year
✔️No minimum purchases ever

To use this incredible code, you simply join (for free) and purchase a Welcome Pack (your choice of products for ten percent under the regular wholesale price).
I can help you choose what will help you meet your health goals!
Oh…and you get me! My guidance. My coaching. My help. Anytime you need me!
Text or message or email today—and let’s get your healthy Plexus journey started today!
Check out this video I created explaining the difference between the two pink drink formulas! (They’re both yummy and amazing!)
Let’s “feel great and live well,”