I am embarking on a scary challenge for the month of June (and possibly longer?) The challenge is to “just go live”! Talk about what you know. Teach people what is deep within you….give people content and information that will enrich their lives.
Okay…that is totally me. I love to teach. Public speaking is an absolute blast. And I adore enriching people’s lives.
It is why I am in weight loss and life coach training right now. It is why I have written over 100 books totaling 50,000 pages over the past twenty years. It is why I teach writing to seventy kids every year. It is why I have online classes and FB groups. It is why I am a health supplement representative.
When something works for me, when something changes my life or makes my life easier, happier, or better, I can’t keep it to myself.
So the challenge made sense….
But it’s still scary. Going live on FB every weeknight evening for a month??!! Or longer???!!!
I wasn’t worried about the content. (Don’t forget…I’ve written 50,000 curriculum pages and thousands of pages of articles, webinars, and online courses!)
But what if people don’t like what I share? What if people think I should just sit down and shut up???!!! What if my information is old, outdated, or non-applicable?
What if?
I know these things have worked for me.
I know they have changed my life, my homeschool, my parenting, my outlook, my results, and even my size!
Surely there are others who would like this info too?
So I bring you Donna Daily.
(Yes, alliteration is my jam—Wondering Wednesday, Wacky Words, Checklist Challenge, Punctuation Puzzles, Language Lady, Definition Dissection, Motivating Monday, Tuesday Tips, Work-It-Wednesdays, Friday Five, Sunday Seven….to name a few!)

Not sure where it will lead or what I will do with it.
But I’m up for the challenge! Teach live on my personal FB page via video every weekday evening during June.
I hope you will join me for any that apply to you. (Be sure to join Thursdays—Thoughts always apply to everyone!)
The first week’s topics are given below. Feel free to share!
Oh, and if you’re not my FB friend and would rather not be (no worries!), just go to my personal page and click Follow….you can always unfollow after the teaching is over (or if you don’t like it).

Love and hope,