Coming soon! Sign up by Sunday before the first Monday of the month!!! I’d love to teach you how to use Intermittent Fasting to achieve your weight and health goals!! https://intermittentfastingcourse.comÂ
Get 20% off with this code SAVE20 !!!
A. Course Lay Out—One Month Long
1. 21 Days of Daily Lessons
a. 30 minute videos
b. Outline for each day
c. Graphics and pictures to print if desired
d. Self Talk and Motivating Moments cards and posters to go with each day’s lesson
2. Month Long But Lifetime Access
a. 21 days of lessons
b. One week of live Q and A’s
c. Notified via email each day to go into your classroom (or just log into your classroom anytime!)
d. Can go back and do the program again on your own anytime
e. Always available!
f. Free FB group for the month with daily questions and access to me; graduate FB group for after course ends!
B. Twenty-One Days of Topics—30 Minute Videos on EACH Topic
1. Our First Fast
2. Fasting Spectrum and Three Types of Coping
3. Coping Consumptions
4. Coping Mechanisms and Distractions
5. Fasting Protocols
6. OMAD/3 and Other Boundaries
7. Review & Definitions
8. Insulin and Glucagon
9. Hunger and Satiety (Grehlin and Leptin)
10. Four Benchmarks for Food
11. Appetite Correction
12. Fast Adaption
13. Four Ways We Lose Weight With IF
14. Calories In/Calories Out Game
15. Macronutrients
16. Benefits and Triple E of IF
17. Habits and Food Association
18. Consistency and Choosing Specials
19. Varying Your Eating Windows in Real Life
20. Building Belief
21. Fat Loss
C. Some Graphics in the Course!
1. IF Fasting Time Chart
2. Non-Scale Victory Record
3. 3 Types of IF coping Triangle
4. Fasting Spectrum Chart
5. 2 Favorite Self-Talk Copings
6. 5 Second Rule Working in the Brain With IF Chart
7. Block Scheduling for IF Daily Chart
8. Fat Loss With IF Graph
9. Four Fasting Protocols Graphs
10. Insulin Vs. Glucagon Timeline
11. Four Benchmarks for Choosing Foods Graphic
12. Two Amazing Occurrences Graphic (AC and Fat Adaption)
13. Four Ways We Lose Pounds and Inches Graphic
14. Macronutrient Foods and Macronutrient Details Venn Diagram
15. 50 Fasting Benefits Master List Chart
16. 16 Habits of Successful Daily Intermittent Fasters Chronology Chart
17. How to Vary Your Fasting Windows Chart
D. Join Me!
1. Friends of DR discount…Use code SAVE20 for 20% Off!
2. First Monday of each month!
3. Learn more aboout it at https://donnareish.comÂ
4. FREE webinar last two weeks of each month: https://intermittentfastingwebinar.comÂ
5. Course sign up Sunday night before the first Monday of the month: https://intermittentfastingcourse.comÂ