September/October FREE IF WEBINARS—Choose the Date/Time That Works for You!
Thursday, September 26th @ 8:00pm Eastern Time
Sunday, September 29th @ 9:00pm Eastern Time
Tuesday, October 1st @ 10:00am Eastern Time
Wednesday, October 2nd @ 8:00pm Eastern Time
Do you long to manage your weight while still enjoying birthday parties, weddings, showers, family dinners, and other special occasions?
Do you wish you could meet your fitness goals while still enjoying social events and nights out to your favorite spots?
Do you love to vacation and enjoy the local cuisine without guilt?
What about health…..have you heard the amazing health, anti-aging, longevity, immune-boosting, muscle-restoring, and disease prevention benefits of Intermittent Fasting?
Daily Intermittent Fasting (IF) might be the exact weight management, health, and fitness program for you….and you can find out for sure in my FREE webinar, “10 Intermittent Fasting Questions.”
In this webinar, Donna Reish, blogger and IF teacher, will answer the top Intermittent Fasting questions for you in an engaging, interesting, and colorful presentation.
I’d love to have you join me for a free one hour webinar where I answer ten most common IF questions…
1) What is fasting?
2) Who should fast?
3) What happens during fasting?
4) Do I have different fasting options?
5) How do I lose weight with IF?
6) Can I eat whatever I want?
7) What are the benefits of IF?
8) What do I do when I’m hungry?
9) How do I set myself up for success?
10) Can I do it forever?
Check out this short video where I describe the webinar!
I’m excited to teach this life-changing material–and I can’t wait to see YOU in the webinar!
Links to Learn More About Intermittent Fasting
Sign up for my month-long, step-by-step course (starts the first Monday of each month)
Subscribe to the blog and get free IF start up charts