by Donna Reish
When a person asks me to help them get started in freezer cooking, I am always anxious to offer advice and help because I know how much it has helped me, blessed others, and nourished my family for the past twenty-six years.
As I stated earlier on the blog, my first piece of advice is to not make it bigger than it needs to be. Freezer cooking doesn’t have to be this all-encompassing way of life that is so huge you can’t bear to face cooking day. On the other hand, if you like to go big (which I always have!), then by all means, go big.
by Donna Reish
In a previous podcast episode called Simplified Menu Planning, I encouraged listeners to not overthink meal planning. (You may listen to that episode here.)
In this audio, I described how my original freezer cooking, in which I plugged all of my entrees into categories (based on meat types), led me to look at meal planning in a more simplified way. I made my master list of most of the entrees that I fix under each category, and then I can see what meats are on sale, scan my master entrée list, and choose meals to make.
by Donna Reish
When we set out to teach our children how to be diligent, we sometimes overlook the self-checking that needs to happen in our own lives. “Of course, I’m diligent. I work all day and barely have a break!” OR “I know I’m diligent because I’m busy all the time.” Unfortunately, neither of these scenarios is a benchmark for diligence.