Sugar Free, Flour Free Cookie Candy Bars


For years when my kids were at home, I kept peanut butter cookie dough (either homemade or logs of store bought) in my freezer, along with some candies, to make these bars in a matter of a few minutes. Everybody loved them. The sugar-free version can be just as popular with your crew!


Scotcharoos [Sugar-Free]

I have hit on one significant way to stay away from sugar, excess carbs, and unhealthy goodies (when I choose to…see 5 Tips for Ditching Sugar)….and it is summed up in the little bar pictured in this post!  Better known as the healthy Scotcharoo!

Sugar-Free Scotcharoos
Okay, well not just the Scotcharoo alone.  I am also helped by Sugar-Free Tagalongs, Apple Butter, Eagle Brand Fudge, and Crock Pot Cinnamon Pecans.  These are my favorite sugar-free treats, and you can bet that I have these on hand when I’m going to be faced with so many sugary treats!

Sugar-Free Slow Cooker Hot Chocolate


There is a sugary hot chocolate recipe floating around Pinterest made in the crock pot with sweetened condensed milk, powdered sugar, and chocolate chips. It is convenient and looks delicious.


Sugar-Free Slow Cooker Hot Chocolate


I decided that sugar-free people shouldn’t have to go without the best hot chocolate (especially at Christmas time!), so I set out to re-create that recipe in a healthier manner—and without sugar and/or many carbohydrates. And it worked!


The first version (and the one on the pinnable meme) is one in which you simply put everything in the crock pot and stir. Easy peasy. I have essentially taken the recipe for my homemade sweetened condensed milk and put those ingredients directly into the crock pot without making the “Eagle Brand” separately. The second version is the one in which you first make the sugar-free sweetened condensed milk then add it to the crock with the other ingredients.



Sugar-Free, Flour-Free Affiliate Round Up

Sugar-Free Flour-Free Affiliate Round Up

One of the frustrating things for me as I started my sugar-free journey was definitely securing the products I needed in order to make the recipes and ideas that I found. I am not a store-hopper. I don’t like to go to more than one store in a week (with an Amazon order thrown in most weeks!). It goes back to my efficiency-expert-wanna-be ambitions—shopping feels like a waste of time since it takes so much time.



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