Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 33

Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 33


Donna Reish, author of over 100 curriculum books for kids, blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, focuses this episode on more hunger during the fast issues—both in the beginning days and for long-term fosters. She begins by talking about an important subject that those who are only eating two or three times a day (snack/meal or meal/meal)—distracted eating. In working towards healthy eating habits and appropriate food associations, we need to learn to enjoy our meals and snacks more than ever before. She talks about how we can get rid of old food associations once IF becomes a way of life for us and how we can make new ones that involve sitting down and eating, savoring our foods without including another “stimulus.” Next, Donna talks about one of her favorite IF-related subjects—sleep! The research is clear from all camps on this one—sleep is crucial to fat burning (metabolism), hunger, mood, energy, cognitive function, and more. She shares studies about the effect of sleeping under seven hours on hunger, and it is significant! The third “hunger” component she describes is food during the eating window. What does protein and fat do for satiety during the fast? And what do carbs do for satisfaction (food reward) during the fast? Today’s broadcast is brought to you by Plexus ProBio 5, a three-in-one product with healthy bacteria, digestive enzymes, and anti-fungals (to get rid of bad bacteria!). This product is specially encapsulated so that it doesn’t have to refrigerated, and its contents are intact until it hits the gut, where it is needed. (For more hunger help, see the blog and/or Episodes #31 an #32 specifically.)


Dealing With Food Associations

Dealing with Food Associations



Yep, I’m going to talk about them again!

May was a month of vacays, biz trips, and travels. Normally in those times, I would have called a break from my weight loss protocol—and started collecting junk food for our travels.

I used to go to Walmart and buy a lot of junk food.

Then I would come home and organized it into tubs by type. (I told you I was a crazy organizing woman!)

Then we would stop at Cracker Barrel and gas stations for more….the more “specialized” things that we couldn’t get at Walmart.

But this association had to go.


Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 9

Welcome to Week 9/Episode 9 of the Daily IF Journal! I am grateful that you have joined me for a peek into my journey–and hope that my words and teaching can be a great help and encouragement to you! Please subscribe at the blog, for ongoing healthy teaching, join us in the FB Group for daily support and teaching, AND subscribe to me on Youtube and Itunes so you don’t miss a video or audio! Blessings on your Daily IF Journey. Let me know how I can help you!


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