by Donna Reish
I’ve been having such a great response to April’s “More Real Food” Challenge in my free private FB group. (We are almost done–but all of the previous videos are still there…we would love to have you join us!)
Basically, we have been learning about real foods vs. not real foods and their…
+Insulin responses
+Effect on leptin release and hearing leptin
+Impact on ghrelin taming
+Increase or decrease of dopamine spikes
+Influence on creating positive food habits
+fiber, water, and fluffiness contents
+Impact on over desiring, overeating, overweight, and control
+Much much more!
As we get better and better at Intermittent Fasting, we will keep insulin low 16-20 hours a day; we will tame ghrelin; we will hear leptin better…(Check out my free upcoming workshop for fasting help!)
And we will get really good at other skills as well.
by Donna Reish
Not real food… we call it processed food, packaged foods, sugary foods, calorie dense foods, nutrient lacking food, junk food, or something else?
And then what do we call Real Food—I mean, it can be in a package, right (frozen veggies, canned fruit, jars of nuts)? It can be calorie dense (butter, coconut oil, avocado, egg yolk, chicken skin….the list goes on). It can be in a package or not.
This month we are having a “More Real Food” Challenge in my free private FB group.
And I’m teaching live every. single. day. (Think lots of hats before I go work out! ha ha)
But I want us to learn and grow together–and change our eating habits in such a way that we have an impact on our overeating, overhunger, over craving, and over desire.
So…we are first of all PLANNING and determining a way to MEASURE (not like weighing our food or anything!).
by Donna Reish

When I was homeschooling seven kids for thirty-two years, I would often tell my kids, “Every day can’t be special.” Oh, I loved making things special for my kids—but I also wanted them to love (and maybe even crave) “normal.” Just be able to do the stuff day in and day out. Do those things that made them successful students and kids. And so it is with eating more healthfully and eating for weight management. Every day can’t be special. And one of the worst sabotages in weight management is assigning “special” to every day—and indulging way too much in foods and/or amounts that will not help us meet our health and weight goals.