Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 27
In this broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, curriculum author of 100+ language arts/writing books, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, teaches listeners about Carbohydrate Cycling—and how it might be used with Intermittent Fasting. She begins by reminding listeners that if IF alone is working well, you are not plateaued desperately, or you are not working on the last stubborn 20 pounds, you probably want to keep doing what you are doing. However, we can all benefit from learning about what our bodies need, macro-nutrients, and healthier eating, so listen on! Donna gives an overview of Carb Cycling in general—how it isn’t necessarily a “low carb” or “keto” diet but rather is a focus on switching up fuel sources day by day and correlates with low intensity and strength training exercise days. Finally, in the first half of this two-part broadcast, Donna rants and raves about this approach—how it is healthy to focus on macronutrients, why it helps us incorporate real foods more fully, how we don’t need to villainize entire food groups, why it’s better to up carbs than it is to have cheat days, and the positive effect Carb Cycling can have mentally and emotionally compared to other “diets.” Finally, she recommends that listeners ask themselves how different this approach might be to other restrictions and how they might already do some of these things intuitively. Donna leaves listeners with the option of receiving a free sample of the Plexus pink drink, today’s broadcast sponsor. (Join Donna in Broadcast #28 when she explains three ways to Carb Cycle and teaches IF’ers how they can use a low math method to look at their entire week and make better food choices.)