Think-Feel-Eat #1: Introducing the Self Coaching Model (The Think-Feel-Act Series)
This is the first episode of Think-Feel-Eat and is chock-full of valuable information for your weight loss journey–and for your life journey! Yep…I think it’s that impactful! In this broadcast, I introduce the first Thursday evening Model (recorded live in the FREE FB group every Thursday evenings!). The Self-Coaching Model, created by life coach Brooke Castillo, is a framework for chaning your life, understanding your thoughts and feelings, and taking the actions that you desire in your life. Tall order? Maybe….but watch and be amazed!
In this first episode of Thursday evening Models, I introduce the elements of The Model and apply them to several different circumstances to show you how The Model can be used in real life situations, thoughts, and feelings. I spend time to really give an understanding of the five elements of The Model: Circumstances, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, and Results.
This material is life-changing, and many thanks are given to Brooke for her generosity in giving in to the world! And allowing weight loss coaches and others to share it with their readers and viewers!
As always…I have an outline below…but first…
The general model picture (click HERE to download):
And today’s finished Model board….don’t let this picture scare you….after a couple of weeks of learning The Model, I could do it driving down the road, fixing dinner, and working out–in my head! Sooooo cool!

Love and hope,
A. Pre-Requisites
1. Believe that life is 50% good and 50% bad—or some near combination of that
a. You don’t expect everything to be perfect
b. You are willing to accept the bad in life as needed
2. Believe in the components of the model for changing your life
a. C T F A R
b. Cee Totally FAR! (mnemonic)
c. See how they interact with each other

B. Understand the C Line First
1. Circumstances
a. Things that happen or that are that everyone believes happened
b. Can be proven in a court of law
c. No describers, disclaimers, trigger words, negative words, or positive words
d. Every single person you ask believes that that is a circumstance
2. When you think a thought is a circumstance
a. It is raining outside
i. No describers
ii. No thoughts about it
iii. Can be proven
iv. NOT: The rain is keeping people from having fun today
v. The rain is keeping people from having fun today is a thought—not everyone agrees with this
b. The traffic is stopped at the corner of Jefferson and Illinois
i. Traffic apps will say this
ii. The cars are stopped
iii. No describers
iv. Can be proven
v. NOT: The traffic is so bad
vi. Traffic is bad is a thought—not everyone agrees with this
c. Joe Smith died
i. Fact
ii. Obituary proves it
iii. No describers
iv. Not: It is sad that Joe Smith died
v. It is sad that Joe Smith died is a thought—not everyone agrees with this
C. Understand the Thought Line Next
1. Thoughts are sentences in your mind
2. They are your judgment or analysis or beliefs about something
3. We think they are circumstances—but they are not because they are in your brain and not everyone agrees with them
4. Thoughts drive everything
a. What we think about the rain
b. What we think about the stopped cars
c. What we think about Joe Smith’s death
5. Thoughts influence our feelings—and then our actions
6. When we have a thought that isn’t helping us reach our goals (goals like a better relationship, losing weight, growing our business, loving more, etc.), we can change our thoughts and this will help us change our feelings—and then our actions will follow!
D. Understand the Feeling Line Next
1. Feelings are vibrations in the body (not sensations like cold or hunger but how we would describe grief or joy or nervousness)
2. How we feel is based on what we think
a. If we think the rain is keeping us from having fun, we will feel a different way than if we think the weather is needed for the farmers
b. If we think the traffic is keeping us from our party, we will feel different than if we think the traffic means that someone else will have to clean the kitchen
c. If we think Joe Smith’s death is sad because we loved him, we will feel different than someone who wanted him to die on death row
E. Understand the Action Line
1. All of our actions stem from Thoughts-Feelings
2. If we want to change our lives, we will be very purposeful to change our thoughts and feelings (the basis of self coaching)
3. We act according to Thought and Feelings
a. If we feel sad about the weather, we will complain and bring the family down. If we feel okay about the weather, we will look for other fun options.
b. If we feel anxious about the traffic, we will worry about being late for work, scramble and make phone calls, try to reschedule meetings. If we feel glad about the traffic, we will text Hubby or daughter, have them clean the kitchen and listen to our favorite music in the traffic.
c. If we feel sad about Joe Smith’s death, we will seek comfort, cry, reach out, potentially eat our feelings, etc. If we feel glad about Joe Smith’s death, we will visit the execution and write about it, telling others that justice was served.
F. Understand the Results Line
1. Our results prove our thoughts
2. There is a direct correlation from Results to Thoughts
3. This is the basis of Positive Thinking and Law of Attraction—but without realizing that our Actions come into play too!
4. How our results prove our thoughts
a. If we listen to music and enjoy the traffic, we are proving the thought that someone else is cleaning the kitchen
b. If we complain about the weather and bring everyone down, we will not make other happy plans (or will do it half heartedly)
c. If we are at Joe Smith’s execution because we want to see justice served, we will have the result of thinking that he needed to be executed.
G. I Can’t Wait to Teach You to Apply This
1. Has changed so many things for me
a. Expectations of my husband and kids
b. How I view urges and weight management issues
c. How much I love
d. How much I judge
e. How I respond to criticism
f. How I work
2. Some future circumstances we will plug in
a. Three in-laws call me Donna
b. I ate 6 cookies last night
c. Someone said XXX and XX about me (quoted)
d. My kids visited one time in October
e. My weight has been 165 for four months
H. Free Content and Paid Services
1. Free video teaching weekly at Donna’s Weight Loss Lifestyle Facebook Group
2. Free hour long fasting webinar: https://intermittentfastingwebinar.com
3. Month-long Intermittent Fasting Course: https://intermittentfastingcourse.com
4. Weight loss coaching—email characterinklady@gmail.com