Intermittent Fasting Journal #51 – How Ray Baby’s “Pollyanna” Approach Was Mostly Right—Our Thoughts Dictate Our Actions

Intermittent Fasting Journal #51 – How Ray Baby’s “Pollyanna” Approach Was Mostly Right—Our Thoughts Dictate Our Actions

In this broadcast, Donna Reish, author of over 100 curriculum books for students, Intermittent Fasting teacher, blogger, and online teacher, teaches how our thoughts affect our results by looking at her husband’s Pollyanna way of thinking.

She delves into how working with weight loss and life coach Brooke Castillo in Self-Coaching Scholars has led Donna to see how her husband’s way of thinking has been right all along! (Gasp!)

When we think differently about people, situations, our goals, life’s disappointments, and more, we act differently. When we think good thoughts, we act in a way that brings good results. When we think bad thoughts, we act in a way that brings bad results.

Donna applies this to work, marriage, weight loss, and exercise with examples of both—thoughts that lead us to negative results in these areas and thoughts that lead us to positive results in these areas.

She then talks about the need to be extremely specific in our thoughts—take a circumstance or person and think an intentional thought—and then our actions will follow these specific thoughts.


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