Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 36
In Episode #36, Donna Reish, blogger, curriculum author of over 100 books for preschool through twelfth grade, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, brings listeners Part I (of II) of what she learned during her first year of IF. The first thing that Donna focuses on is something that all IF’ers learn (and that anyone interested in weight management needs to learn)—that she has spent the past forty years of her life eating way more food (and calories!) than what she needed. Setting aside food types and making each food “healthier” according to the “diet of the year,” she came to realize that she was creating foods that were too calorie dense for every day fare and that true weight management only occurs in an environment in which food intake is greatly diminished (which IF helps with immensely!). Donna then delved into something that she was overjoyed to learn (and to teach others)—that many of our food problems stem from hormonal imbalances and not understanding the brain’s response to food. Simply put, much of our overweight is not our faults. But now we know how to counteract many of these issues, and we can begin to have the food control that we have always dreamed of! She describes some of these mechanisms and how they are helping her and her husband. Finally, Donna tells the most important thing that she “re-learned” (and now embraces fully)—that sustainability is everything when it comes to weight loss and weight management. Today’s sponsor is Plexus Slim Hunger Control, the pink drink that helps fill up the stomach, balance blood sugar, give energy, and help with mood.