When I began Intermittent Fasting, I quickly found three amazing, actually-life-changing, surprises.
I had already learned that I could burn body fat, control hunger, and reduce cravings.
(Learn more about those IF body/hormone changes at my Intermittent Fasting Course! https://intermittentfastingcourse.com)
But then there were three surprises….
Three things that have helped my husband and I to lose 160+ pounds together in the past two years with IF!
Check out this short video as I explain them….
1) Less emotional eating
2) No nighttime snacking (without pain because my meal was so amazing!)
3) No nibbles—real meals!
I think you would love the IF surprises awaiting you!
Love and hope,
P.S. Use the code SAVE20 to save 20% off my course!