Don’t forget to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page for this recipe’s helpful Recipe Keys!
Below are links to the ingredients I use in this recipe. I am an affiliate for If you click on the links below I will earn a small commission. Thank you for your support of this blog!
- 4 Tablespoons dry minced onion (D ½ cup; Tr ¾ cup)
- 1 TBSP garlic powder (D 2 TBSP; Tr 3 TBSP)
- ½ to 1 TBSP chili powder (D 1 to 2 TBSP; Tr 1 ½ to 3 TBSP)
- 2 teaspoon ground mustard powder (D 4 tsp; Tr 2 TBSP)
- 2 teaspoon paprika (D 4 tsp; Tr 2 TBSP)
- 2 bay leaves crumbled (or use powdered/ground bay leaf) (D 4; Tr 6)
- 2 teaspoon salt (D 4 tsp; Tr 2 TBSP)
- 1 teaspoon pepper (D 2 tsp; Tr 1 TBSP)
- Combine all ingredients and store in air tight container.
- Use as desired in recipes here on that call for BBQ Base.
- Also may be used by the teaspoonful (or more!) in recipes in which an onion-y, somewhat spicy flavored is desired (since there is no sweetener in the BBQ Base itself.)
- Recipe may be doubled (D) or tripled (Tr) or quadrupled—sorry, do your own math on the latter! I use this often enough in various things to go ahead and make it five or six times when I make it. It isn’t just a bbq sauce mix to me but a handy somewhat spicy seasoning mix! Gives things that Tex-Mex flavor!
Recipe Keys
Low Carb (LC): This is a very low carb seasoning mix. The small amount of minced onion is really the only thing with measurable carbs—and I don’t even count that. (And the sauce that is made from this is also very low carb!)
Family-Friendly Low Carb (FFLC): I use this in so many cooking applications. I used to have this seasoning called 33rd & Galena (from Penzeys Spices, which are great!). With this, I don’ t need that seasoning any more. Handy to have for all cooking—not just low carb.
Store-Bought-Stella (SBS): The whole mix process is pretty homemade, which might make some SBS’s think that my ideas and recipes are not really for them. However, the very nature of a homemade mix is to make things faster and easier. If you are a Stella who is a Homemade Hannah-Wannabe, then start making mixes as they are the best of both worlds—the homemade world and the quick and efficient world! 🙂
Homemade Hannah (HH): Any Homemade Hannah who wants to be more efficient in her kitchen and desires to have a cool cupboard full of mixes (see picture here!) will love this mix! The bbq sauce is homemade, sugar-free, and out of this world sweet yet spicy!
Freezer Cooking (FC): I don’t recommend freezing seasoning mixes like I do flour and baking mixes. I use them too fast to need to freeze them any way!
Oldie Goldie Family Recipes (OG): This is not my original, sugar-laden bbq sauce recipe base from days gone by. But I feel better using less or no sugar nowadays!
Trim Healthy Mama-Friendly (THM) ( The BBQ Sauce Base as it is given above may be used in an S, E, or FP setting since it has little carbs and no fat. Sprinkle it on anything you want to give a Tex-Mex flavor to!
Cycle Cooking (CYC): I love to make all of my seasoning mixes at one time since I have so many spices out already. Then another day I will make my sweet mixes and another my croutons, etc. This is in addition to my beloved “shredded chicken cycle,” “crumbled ground beef cycle,” etc.
Sugar Free (SF): This base is sugar-free—and so is the amazing bbq sauce recipe that uses this base.
Gluten Free (GF): I am not a gluten-free cook, but I understand that if you put gluten-free products together (i.e. all of your spices are gluten-free), your mix will be gluten-free, so go for it!
Low Carb Mixes (LCM): This is not specifically a low carb mix. (I would have loved to have had created this years ago before I began low carb cooking!) But I call it a LCM because the dishes that use this base (coming soon—Sugar-Free BBQ Sauce Mix, Grilled BBQ Barbecue Chicken {Sugar-Free}, Monterey Marinade, Philly Cheesesteak Casserole, Crock Pot Beef Fajitas, and more!) are all low carb (and sugar-free and nearly always grain-free!).