Slide Show: 5 Things to Consume (or Not Consume) During Your Fasting Window

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5 Things to Consume (or Not Consume) During Your Fasting Window


Drink Water

There’s one thing that most Daily Intermittent Fasters agree on: water during the fasting window. It helps regulate you (a problem many fasters have as they eat less food and eat less frequently), helps flush out fat and toxins, and can make you feel full (or at least less “empty”). Some fasting experts recommend half your body weight in ounces of water; others recommend up to 150 ounces of water every 24 hours!

There are four kinds of water you might benefit from: a. Tap, bottled, or filtered water–just your every day water, with or without ice. a.  Mineral water—it has four times as much calcium and magnesium as regular tap water. Can balance your electrolytes/mineral deficiency easily and quickly with mineral water. c. Sparkling water (mineral or not)–it  tricks the “ghrelin gremlins” (grehlin is the hormone that tells you you’re hungry) into thinking you’ve been fed due to the bubbles. d. Caffeinated water–for those who want caffeine to help with hunger.


Drink Caffeinated Drinks

Cold or hot unflavored, unsweetened, non-caloric beverages help many Daily IF’ers get through their fast. These include coffee, tea, green tea, unflavored, etc.

Some fasters use caffeinated water (again, flavorless) to get their water and their caffeine both in. Others use “caffeine pills” to give them a caffeine boost. Note that neither of these is an “energy drink” that is loaded with sugar, calories, and artificial ingredients.


Use Pink Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt contains the same 84 trace minerals and elements that are found in the human body. Some of these include sodium chloride, sulphate, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. When consuming this salt, you are actually getting less sodium intake per serving than regular table salt because it is less refined and the pieces are larger.

You can use this salt in a couple of ways when hunger is challenging, especially in the first few weeks of Daily IF. First of all, you can put some of the tiny, unground chunks under your tongue for immediate balancing. People have reported that dizziness, nausea, and headaches leave immediately when doing this. You may also make a coffee or other drink with the ground pink Himalayan salt and drink that down when you feel weak.


Do or Do Not Use Fat/Cream in Coffee, Bullet-Proof Coffee, etc. 

Clean fast advocates say NO calories. They believe that any calories (even fat ones) take the body out of body fat burning because even though they are not carbohydrates, they cause a metabolic response. Some allow a tablespoon of cream or two, saying that compliance of actually fasting for many hours each day is more important than perfection. Others allow fat of any kind, including avocados, oil, butter, cream, and certain nuts. Many of these people drink bullet-proof coffee, ranging in calories from 400 to 1200 per cup!

If there is a chance that your fasting hours aren’t truly fasting hours (because of a little cream), you might want to forgo the cream in the coffee. The biggest thing for me is that I do not want to “drink” 400 calories or more during my fasting window. Calories do eventually catch up with you if you consistently eat more than you burn–and I don’t want to “spend” any of them during my fasting window.


Do Not Use Flavored Drinks/Sugar Free Gum or Mints

Some believe if it doesn’t have calories, it doesn’t matter. Diet pops, stevia-sweetened lemonade, gum, sugar-free jello, sf mints and hard candy,  etc. Others say it doesn’t have to have calories or carbs to elicit insulin response. Any sweet or fruity taste can do it and is breaking the fast.

Studies have shown that fruity or sweet flavors (even non-caloric) can cause an insulin response. An insulin response can take you out of body fat burning. Who wants to work this hard at fasting, getting into a fat adaptive state, getting your body to truly be a “fasting inferno”–just to take you out of that with a measly sugar-free jello when you’re going to be feasting on planned, enjoyable, health-giving foods in a very short time? Try breath drops that are pure; brush your teeth often (carry a mini toothbrush and toothpaste–it does more than freshen your breath; it can become a “starting ritual” when you begin your fast or a “continuing ritual” when things get tough).


1. Drink Water: Delay, Don’t Deny

2. Drink Caffeinated Drinks

3. Take Pink Himalayan Salt:  Himalayan Salt Crystals

4. Do or Do Not Use Fat/Cream in Coffee, Bullet-Proof Coffee, etc.Appetite Correction

5. Do Not Consume Flavored Drinks/Sugar Free Gum or Mints: Fasting Inferno blog post

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Slide Show: 5 Ways to Start Your Fasting Week Off Right!

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5 Ways to Start Your Fasting Week Off Right!


If You Didn’t Hit Your Weekend Goals, Stop the Madness Right Now!

Your Daily Intermittent Fasting is going to be a way of life, right? It is your new lifestyle. It will lead you to weight management, health, autophagy, appetite correction, fat adaptation, and an amazing physique! If you have been thrown off on Mondays by bingeing and overeating on weekends—and then not having the motivation or desire to “start again on Monday,” now is the time to change that.
Intermittent fasting doesn’t have to be stopped and started again!

Just say no! Say no to continuing bad eating habits on Monday that you had over a less-than-perfect weekend. Say no to having the diet mentality that “I already blew it this weekend, so I may as well just forget it!” Stop the overeating madness right now—not later! You could have your body back into a fat burning state in two or three days of clean long fasts (18-23 hours). Don’t let the weekend ruin what you know you could do!


Evaluate for Next Weekend

Take a look at what happened this weekend. You know that you can adjust your fasting hours and eating hours to accommodate special occasions (not every Saturday and Sunday is a special occasion!). You know how flexible this lifestyle is (for life!). So what went wrong?

See if you had the weekend “Diet Mentality”—perfect on week days and indulgent on weekends. See if what started out as a simple exception or lengthening of your eating window for a special day turned into a weekend eating fest. Did you not have a plan in place to handle the down time or the food that you were going to be around as you cooked breakfast for your family? Examine your weekend—and fix it for next weekend!


Don’t Punish Yourself by Eating Too Little or Fasting Longer Than You Are Ready For

The “Diet Mentality” is that we are perfect on our “diets” during the week to compensate for over-indulgence on the weekend. The “Diet Mentality” is that we punish ourselves on Mondays to do penance for our weekend food sins. This can stop with Intermittent Fasting!

While you might want to extend your fasting hours to prepare for a shorter fasting window for a special occasion. While you might want to do sugar-free for a few days because you do better without as much sugar. While you might want a short eating window when you go out to a four course dinner….you no longer need to punish yourself for whatever may have taken place food-wise over the weekend! If you push yourself to do an Extended Fast (EF—36 hours or more) as punishment when you aren’t ready for that lengthy fast, you could set yourself up for fasting failure in general. If you decide to do super low calories in Monday’s eating window, your Tuesday fast will be HARD. Get rid of the punishment mentality—regardless of what your weekend was like.


Don’t Think of Weekdays as Healthy Eating and Weekends as Junk Food Eating

Another Diet Mentality! Associating weekdays with health food and weekends with junk food is no longer needed with Daily IF! You can have whatever you want, whatever makes you feel good and achieve your health and weight management goals, any time. When we attach certain food types to days of the week, we also risk the “I already ate junk today, so I may as well forget my program” mentality. (Do you see how the “Diet Mentality” is a slippery slope?)

Eat what you want, what you like, what helps you feel good, what leads to your goals—on whatever day you want to. If you want ice cream on Tuesday, eat ice cream on Tuesday. If you have a special occasion and want a longer eating window on Thursday, have a longer eating window on Thursday. If you don’t have anything special on Saturday, have a longer fast! Don’t base your food choices and/or fasting windows on weekdays vs weekends!


Get Your Distractions and Coping Techniques Ready for a Great Week!

Start Monday out strong! Don’t waver. Don’t let the weekend’s successes or failures dictate how well you will fast this week! Briefly look at your calendar and plan your fasting windows and eating windows based on your schedules and social events. Think about how you will move your windows around to accommodate a Friday lunch date that is really important to you. Plan, plan, plan! (We have so little to DO in IF that looking at your calendar and thinking through the week for a few minutes is really not much to ask!)

If you didn’t use your coping techniques, distractions, or self-soothing strategies on the weekend, pull them out and get them ready to go! Use self-talk as soon as you get up on Monday morning: “I have already fasted for twelve hours. I am only six hours away from eighteen hours. I’ve got this. I am 2/3 done. I succeed in fasting because I plan and think and love the results!” Get ready for a great week—without worrying about what happened on the weekend!


1) If You Didn’t Hit Your Weekend Goals, Stop the Madness Right Now!: 5 Motivations for Keeping the Fast slideshow post
2) Evaluate for Next Weekend: 5 Ways to approach the weekend
3) Don’t Punish Yourself by Eating Too Little or Fasting Longer Than You Are Ready For:  The Obesity Code
4) Don’t Think of Weekdays as Healthy Eating and Weekends as Junk Food Eating:  Delay, Don’t Deny
5) Get Your Distractions and Coping Techniques Ready for a Great Week!: IF Journal Podcast blog post Week 5



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Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 9

Welcome to Week 9/Episode 9 of the Daily IF Journal! I am grateful that you have joined me for a peek into my journey–and hope that my words and teaching can be a great help and encouragement to you! Please subscribe at the blog, for ongoing healthy teaching, join us in the FB Group for daily support and teaching, AND subscribe to me on Youtube and Itunes so you don’t miss a video or audio! Blessings on your Daily IF Journey. Let me know how I can help you!


Slide Show 5 Ways Intermittent Fasting Can Seem “Upside Down” Compared to Other Weight Loss Protocols!

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5 Ways Intermittent Fasting Can Seem "Upside Down" Compared to Other Weight Loss Protocols!


Daily Intermittent Fasting Is Harder at First and Much Easier as Time Goes By.

Generally speaking, people do well in their early days of diets.They shop, prep, clean out old foods, make a plan–and feel generally optimistic in the first few weeks. People do not usually feel physically bad on their new diets at first–and they are “good” for a while on them. Many people brag on social media that their new plan is “easy” and “can be done forever.” Down the road, however, the restrictions become too much to stick with for many people.

On the other hand, Daily IF is HARD at first. Before you become fat adapted (where your body goes from using your glyogen stores to using your body fat for fuel), hunger is very real. And it can hurt, cause headaches and dizziness, leave you nauseous, and more. However, unlike other diets, if you stick with it for five to twenty days of CLEAN fasting, IF will get easier and easier.  it is truly “upside down” in how easy it becomes later on!


Weight Loss Can Be Slower at First Then Speed Up–and Is More Consistent Compared to Other Plans. 

When someone goes on a typical “diet,” weight loss can be immediate. There is usually a large enough calorie deficit, coupled with a large water loss, that the scale is pretty friendly to traditional dieters in the first few weeks.

Weight loss with Daily IF can be slower at first for a number of reasons:  People who come to IF from traditional diets often go crazy the first few weeks with their food during their eating window (i.e. too many calories). Appetite correction  (where your body naturally tells you that it’s done eating for the day–it really DOES happen!) hasn’t set in during the first couple of weeks, so new IF’ers often overeat during their eating window.  And, the newbie’s IF skills are not honed yet. You do get better and better at Daily IF as time goes on! On the up side, when these things are all solved, usually two to three weeks in, weight loss will come–and it will usually remain steady as your body works its magic.


Inches Often Come Off Before Pounds in Daily IF. 

Many traditional diets cause you to lose pounds by losing fat AND muscle (especially traditional calorie-restricted diets). In these protocols, a person must lose a large number of pounds in order to translate in to significant inch loss and/or a size loss.

 Daily IF changes body composition. It attacks fat and preserves muscle. Therefore, a pound of fat, which might look like a large one-pound bag of feathers, can be lost while a pound of muscle, which might look like a one pound bag of marbles, might be gained. There would be no weight loss on the scale in this scenario; however, the body can look significantly different and show inch loss/size loss well before it shows scale loss.


IF Gives Freedoms From the Beginning That Other Protocols Take Away Immediately!

From day one of a Daily IF protocol, a person enjoys amazing freedoms–time freedom from not having to shop, prep, cook, and clean as much; money freedom from not having to buy as much food in general and as much specialty (“diet”) foods specifically; and thought freedoms from not having to think about and plan food as much. This is where IF really outshines other diets in a truly “upside down” way! Other weight management protocols zap our time, money, and thoughts immediately!

Daily IF, when not coupled with other eating protocols, gives amazing food freedom. People who come from stringent diets to IF finally get to go out for pizza with friends, have birthday cake (on their own birthday!), and eat dessert on Saturday night. Food freedom is huge with IF! Even those eating low carb have all of their carbs to “spend” during a shorter time span, which gives more opportunity for fruit, small servings of starches, etc., as desired.


“Cheating” can have bigger negative effects on Daily IF than on  other “diets.”

When someone is on 1200 calories a day and cheats at the end of the day by eating, say, a candy bar for 200 calories, that person is pretty unharmed by that “cheat.” When a low carber eating 30 carbs a day eats an apple at the end of the day after they’ve already had 30 carbs, they just ate 50 carbs that day and can actually still be in ketosis. Small cheats don’t ruin other diets as much. The success of IF is based in large part on the fasting hours–having enough hours in the fasted state to burn through your glycogen stores so your body burns its own fat for fuel. “Cheating” on IF can fill these stores up too much for IF to work the next day for you.

There really isn’t a need to “cheat” on IF! If you need more eating time for a special occasion, you can just shorten your fasting window on that day and lengthen it on another day. However, if someone does “cheat” too much on Daily IF by eating three meals a day (whatever they want), they will (a) eat too much and gain weight; (b) fill their glycogen stores up full again; and (c) sort of have to start over emptying their stores and getting their body back into fat burning. (Why go through that again?) So, it’s upside down in a sort of bad way–cheating on IF isn’t good. However, once you are fat adapted in IF and you get into an IF rhythm, you don’t need to cheat anyway!


#1 Your Fasting Window Might Not Be Long Enough to Burn Through Your Glycogen Stores: IF Journal Episode 4

#2 You Might Not Experience Appetite Correction (AC) in a Longer Eating Window: Appetite Correction by Burt Herring

#3 You Will Likely Consume Too Many Calories for Weight Loss to Take Place: Delay, Don’t Deny

#4 Your Body Will Experience the Other Benefits of Daily IF More Fully. The Obesity Code

#5 You Will Likely Experience More “Personal” IF Benefits With a Shorter Eating Window: IF Journal Podcast

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IF Journal Podcast at iTunes

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(2) Blog with all videos, articles, 5 Top Tips for IF Slideshow, and more.

(3) IF Journal Podcast at iTunes

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5 Motivations to Keep the Fast in Daily Intermittent Fasting

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5 Motivations

to Keep the Fast in Daily Intermittent Fasting


Use an App

Seeing how much time you have fasted and how much time you have left in your daily fasting window can be extremely motivating. When you are tempted to eat, flip to your app and see how many hours of fasting you already have behind you. When you consider that your body usually goes into fat burning mode between 12 and 16 hours into a daily fast, seeing you are, say, at the 14 hour mark can be just the motivation you need to keep going!

If you have an app that averages your last seven days of fasting, you can gain even more motivation. Seeing that you are a little short of your daily average goal can be just the motivation you need to go a little longer today. Plus, checking your app periodically throughout the day can be the perfect distraction when hunger strikes.


Talk to Yourself

In the book, “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself,” the author teaches that the brain, just like a computer that you program, believes anything you tell it. Tell it good things about yourself and your fasting journey!

Each day tell yourself that you are a great faster. That you control food, not the other way around. That each day you turn your body into a fat burning machine. And that YOU re successful. Your brain will believe it—and tell your body to act accordingly.


Brush Your Teeth

Starting (and continuing) rituals are known for their motivating powers. Brushing your teeth can be a starting or continuing ritual for your daily fast.

When you brush your teeth in the morning, say aloud, “I’m fasting today—and I’ll still have fresh breath.” When you are struggling continuing on until your eating window, brush your teeth and say, “I’m keeping the fast for XX more hours.”


Use Physical Actions to Tell Your Body You Are Fasting

Physical actions, sometimes considered a step above visualization, can work wonders to keep you fasting. Consider the physical act of closing a pretend window when it’s time for your fast to begin. Say the word, “My window is closed.” (Some days you might need to lock it too!)

Closing and locking the window when temptations strike is another great way to physically tell yourself that the fast is not ending. Sometimes you might need to slam the window and double lock it!


Apply Mel Robbins’ Five Second Rule

In Robbins’ book, she describes how counting down from 5 to 1 and then doing whatever needs done has been changing lives in so many areas—finances, health, procrastination, relationships, business, and much more.

Tap on your thigh and say, “5-4-3-2-1–fast 6” (or however many fasting hours you have remaining) or “5-4-3-2-1–fast time.! This is so motivating and empowering!


Find ME–and Find Out More About Daily Intermittent Fasting!

(1) FB Group for Support and Daily Help

(2) Blog with all videos, articles, 5 Top Tips for IF Slideshow, and more.

(3) IF Journal Podcast at iTunes

(4) YouTube channel

(5) Donna Reish Blogger FB Page

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Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 8


In Week 8 of The Intermittent Fasting Journal podcast/video, Donna Reish, blogger and “Fasting Inferno” parody writer, describes her eighth week of Daily IF, including 20 hour fasting window, weight loss . spite of vacations and holidays, how much easier IF is than her previous 40 years of dieting (!), and more. She details, using Dr. Jason Fung’s refrigerator and freezer examples, how the body burns its own fat stores through I, the importance of a clean fasting window, and how to make your body crave healthier foods. She also teaches about the book, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, and applies his self-talk approaches to Daily IF–including self-talk, self-write, self-conversation, and even self-sing.


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