by Donna Reish

For years when my kids were at home, I kept peanut butter cookie dough (either homemade or logs of store bought) in my freezer, along with some candies, to make these bars in a matter of a few minutes. Everybody loved them. The sugar-free version can be just as popular with your crew!
by Donna Reish

After ten months of testing, re-testing, and tweaking, I have my second recipe book finished! I have written over a hundred curriculum books, so you would think this book writing thing would be simple….agghhh….but recipe books are anything but simple! So much testing time and tweaking and trying again. But it’s done—and just in time for Christmas baking and goodies.
by Donna Reish

Syrups and Honey
One of the biggest problems with sugar-free baking and cooking is the extra time that it takes. Sure, you can just stick with recipes calling for granulated sugar—and sub in your favorite sugar-free one (See my Sugar-Free Substitutes post!) and be a happy sugar-free-family. However, after a while, you will likely find yourself wishing that you could make those bars with that “Eagle Brand” stuff drizzled all over them or those candies with caramel centers or those milk chocolate peanut butter cups.
by Donna Reish

This is a basic energy ball recipe. Be adventurous! Save the coconut flakes for rolling in at the end. Or dip in melted chocolate!
by Donna Reish

This is my favorite non-peanut butter “skinny chocolate/fat bomb” recipe. The shape of the molds I use and the “fairly normal” chocolate taste of these remind me of the old chocolate candy from my childhood called “Ice Cubes.”