This is my favorite non-peanut butter “skinny chocolate/fat bomb” recipe. The shape of the molds I use and the “fairly normal” chocolate taste of these remind me of the old chocolate candy from my childhood called “Ice Cubes.”
Don’t forget to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page for this recipe’s helpful Recipe Keys!
Below are links to the ingredients I use in the recipe above. I am an affiliate for If you click on the links below I will earn a small commission. Thank you for your support of this blog!
- ¼ cup coconut oil
- ¼ cup butter
- 1 tsp vanilla (Must be real, alcohol-based; water-based vanilla may harden your chocolate as you’re stirring.)
- Shake salt
- 4 TBSP powdered Pyure (or use 8 TBSP (1/2 cup) of a cup-for-cup powdered sugar sub)
- 1 ½ TBSP cocoa powder
- Melt butter and coconut oil together.
- Add remaining ingredients, whisking quickly to combine thoroughly.
- Pour into molds or flat container.
- Freeze for a few minutes until solid.
- Remove from molds or cut into squares and store in air-tight container in freezer.
- Note: I make these in little square molds—though that is not necessary at all.
Recipe Keys
Very Low Carb (VLC): This is very low carb and a real “diet saver” for the keto and very low carb crowd.
Family-Friendly (FF): Your kids will probably love these little bars. They do not, however, pack well because they become soft after a while at room temperature. These should be stored in the freezer.
Store-Bought-Stella (SBS): These are not difficult to make—and are very quick. The main thing is to not overheat your butter. You just want it soft/melty. And to stir quickly and pour right away so that ingredients do not separate.
Homemade Hannah (HH): HH’s will love making their own homemade chocolates!
Freezer Cooking (FC): No need to flash freeze or freeze in layers. Just pop out of the molds (or cut if you made them in a baking dish) and toss in a plastic-ware bowl.
Trim Healthy Mama-Friendly (THM) ( These are a Deep S treat.
Sugar Free (SF): Yes! And they do not even taste like it!
Gluten-Free (GF): Yes!