Hello, Fasting Friends! I have had so many requests for food and eating help. Some want to see my daily food intake for a few days (coming
soon!). Some want to know why they aren’t losing weight in spite of an 18 or 19 hour daily fast. Others want to know what food protocol they should do.
In today’s broadcast, I am giving you hope! I am giving you a simple approach (takes me two minutes the day before to write my plan and two minutes at the end of the day to see how I’ve done that day in sticking with my plan!). I am showing you how to create food habits that will really work–because you start where ever you are and “Jump Up” (in one percent jumps) from there.
Oh how I want habits, health, and goal weights for all of you! I love being so close to my final goal–and tweaking and experimenting and being curious about how I can keep going and get there.
(Did you hear that Ray Baby and I have recently become “The Minus 205 Pound Pair”? Yep, we have just reached the milestone of losing over 200 pounds together (155 of those pounds have been in the past couple of years!).)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this broadcast—and i hope you start your “Tomorrow Real-for-Me Food Plan” right away!
Love and hope,
A. Lose Weight Fast and Painlessly?
1. Not a thing—at least not for long term results
2. Losing weight permanently involves what I call Lifestyle Weight Loss—meaning that you lose weight with steps and protocols that you are willing to do for the rest of your life
3. Must get to the point where you can say, “What I am doing when I reach my goal weight will be what I do forever.”
4. Needs to be a drastic reduction in overall consumption (most people need to reduce by about 30% overall)
a. This is hard to do with typical food choices
b. Typical food choices are too calorie dense to lead to a 30% reduction overall
c. Typical food choices are too seductive/hyperpalatable for us to “control them” https://donnareish.com/intermittent-fa…/
B. First Step: Tomorrow’s Real-for-Me Food Plan
1. Because of the need to develop habits (not rely on willpower, which we are limited in each day), the first step is to be aware of what we are eating
2. The first step is to use our pre-frontal cortex to choose tomorrow’s foods
a. Pre-frontal cortext is the thinking, planning, self-control part of our brain
i. Also called executive functions
ii. When the pre-frontal cortext is damaged, we are less able to use long-term strategies and control impulses
b. When we make decisions ahead of time, we are using our “adult brains” rather than our “toddler brains”
i. Adults say we are not buying candy today; you may pick a fruit because we are “adults”—we know that sugar isn’t good for our kids
ii. Toddler throws fits and want Skittles
iii. Planning ahead is using our “adult brain” so that our “toddler brain” doesn’t take over at that time
c. Research shows when people plan ahead, they use pre-frontal-cortext and usually have intentions to have self control and not overeat (cake vs. fruit example)
C. Creating a Tomorrow’s Real-for-Me Food Plan
1. Not based on macros or food groups or limitations to start with
2. Simple
a. Make a plan of what you will eat tomorrow for real
b. Put whatever you usually eat
c. No counting, no measuring…just real-for-you
3. Eat only what you have written down tomorrow—less if desired, but not more
a. If it says one Snickers bar, you can eat a Snickers bar
b. If it says two apples, you will eat two apples
4. Must be “real-for-you” or you won’t stick to it
5. It is not for a perfect eating plan
a. It is to show you what you truly eat
b. It is to help you decide ahead of time using pre-frontal a cortext
c. It is to help you develop a weight loss habit that will grow with you as you use habits, pre-frontal cortext, etc., to reach your goal
D. Do This Every Day or Every Night for the Next Day
1. At first, it won’t feel like a diet—you are putting anything you want on it
2. Each week or so, do what I call the “1% Jump Up”—where you jump up in your food choices and habits by one percent
a. Four cookies goes down to two cookies
b. Thick crust pizza goes down to thin
c. One soda is replaced by a water
d. Eating three times a day instead of four or five
e. Drinking less sugary coffee drinks over a large 650 calorie drink
f. Progression—Full sized Doves and M and M then snack size then sugar-free chocolate/dark chocolate
3. Eventually, you will create a food protocol where you list all the foods you eat every day—except for your one or two free foods each week
a. Right now, your protocol is whatever you want it to be
b. But with each “1% Jump Up,” you eat better and better in a more natural, habitual manner
c. And all the while, you are using the “decide ahead of time” method to keep you on track—your pre-frontal cortex
d. Help in creating a real food protocol vs. not real foods: https://donnareish.com/first-five-days…/
E. Resources and Future Help
1. Next session of my Intermittent Fasting Course starts Monday: https://intermittentfastingcourse.com
2. Subscribe to blog for videos, articles, freebies, and more: https://donnareish.com
3. Join FREE FB group where I teach every week: https://www.facebook.com/groups/318664198605086/
What are your list of free foods?