Welcome to another Fast Shot video. This is a timely one–and one that I hope will convince you that the holiday season is the ideal time to begin Intermittent Fasting! I know..I know…most people STOP their eating protocols during the holidays, not add new ones. But IF is the PERFECT protocol to begin during the holidays as it will truly help you get a handle on those holiday goodies and heavy foods WITHOUT so much white knuckling and super human willpower! (Honest!)
So join me fasting….and join me in the course too if you want daily help for a month! I’d love to help you! intermittentfastingcourse.com
And…as always…my detailed outline! (Aren’t you so glad I’m an English teacher and curriculum author of over 100 kids’ curriculum books? lol)
A. Began IF October and December 2017
1. Might have heard my story—began IF to “eat whatever I wanted” during October of 2017
2. Might have heard my husband’s story—began IF so he could dance with me (sigh….all the feels!) the first week of December of 2017
3. Both of us have lost weight during the holiday season 2017 and 2018
Sign up for November course–use code SAVE20 to get $20 off! https://intermittentfastingcourse.com
B. Five Reasons the Holiday Season Is the BEST Time to Begin Intermittent Fasting!
1. You can eat whatever you want—diet food or your regular food (depending on your health goals)
a. People don’t want to “start diets” because they think they can’t keep them during the “food months”—
b. But you don’t have to “stay on a diet” to practice IF (unless you want to!)
2. You don’t use up all of your willpower during the day when you practice IF
a. Four hours of temptations per day
b. 119 food thoughts per day
c. Probably more during holidays!
d. You get fat adapted after the first couple of weeks and no longer need willpower for fasting—and all of your willpower is saved up to use during your eating window!
3. You will likely lose weight during November and December if you begin IF
a. Most people go into the new year gaining weight
b. Even with eating a relatively SAD (standard American diet), you will likely lose weight if you practice IF during November and December
4. You will likely eat fewer treats and less heavy foods after several weeks of IF
a. You will probably eat way less than you usually do during November and December
b. Obviously, you have less time to eat, which can (or might not) affect your total intake
c. But the longer you fast, the higher your leptin (satiety hormone) is and/or the better you hear it
i. This leads to eating less over all
ii. It also affects the types of foods you choose
iii. AND…it even makes you want to move your body—all things we need during food-heavy months
5. You will be ahead on January first when you are usually just starting to try to “lose the holiday weight”!
a. Research shows that 55% of resolutions are health related
b. And only 8% of people keep them
c. Most fall off by January 12th
d. You can make IF a way of life—not something you fall off of or start/stop!
e. Even if you eat a SAD, your health will be positively impacted by the fast itself (brain health, immunity, disease prevention, blood sugar reduction, and more) and you will likely drop weight as well!
C. No Downside to Starting IF During the Holidays!
1. Only health benefits
2. Potential weight loss
3. More control during the holidays
4. Feeling great in two to three weeks (lose that afternoon sluggishness—oh, I LOVE this about IF!).
5. Balancing of hormones insulin, leptin, and grehlin that is usually only seen in extremely low carb keto diets (75% fat, 20 grams of carbs) or extremely low fat (20-30 grams a day!)
D. Learn How to Fast Incrementally and With Support!
1. Daily 20-30 minute teaching videos that you need to know for each day on Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.
2. Private FB group and access to me to answer all of your questions as you learn
3. Amazing video teaching, outlines, and graphics to help cement all of the concepts
4. Incremental—what you need when you need it so that you are not overwhelmed
5. Help during the first two to three weeks as you balance your hormones and get over the “hangries”
6. Tools, tips, and tricks not taught in any other IF program!
7. “A month to learn it—a lifetime to live it!”
8. https://intermittentfastingcourse.com