Donna Reish, author of over 100 curriculum books for kids, blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, focuses this episode on more hunger during the fast issues—both in the beginning days and for long-term fosters. She begins by talking about an important subject that those who are only eating two or three times a day (snack/meal or meal/meal)—distracted eating. In working towards healthy eating habits and appropriate food associations, we need to learn to enjoy our meals and snacks more than ever before. She talks about how we can get rid of old food associations once IF becomes a way of life for us and how we can make new ones that involve sitting down and eating, savoring our foods without including another “stimulus.” Next, Donna talks about one of her favorite IF-related subjects—sleep! The research is clear from all camps on this one—sleep is crucial to fat burning (metabolism), hunger, mood, energy, cognitive function, and more. She shares studies about the effect of sleeping under seven hours on hunger, and it is significant! The third “hunger” component she describes is food during the eating window. What does protein and fat do for satiety during the fast? And what do carbs do for satisfaction (food reward) during the fast? Today’s broadcast is brought to you by Plexus ProBio 5, a three-in-one product with healthy bacteria, digestive enzymes, and anti-fungals (to get rid of bad bacteria!). This product is specially encapsulated so that it doesn’t have to refrigerated, and its contents are intact until it hits the gut, where it is needed. (For more hunger help, see the blog and/or Episodes #31 an #32 specifically.)
Episode #33: Controlling Hunger During Fasting and Eating Window
1. Learning so much from “Hungry Brain” and my two to three hours of study each day!
2. Love teaching this life-changing material to you!
3. Hubby and I at about 11 months—-105 pounds lost together. (He lost 86 pounds and I lost over 20. {I had lost over 20 the year before IF too!})
4. Getting ready to take a ten day vacation to Disney with Disney Dining Plan….going to do a “specials” episode soon covering how to prepare for and navigate special occasions with IF. (Stay tuned!)
A. Distracted Eating
1. Much of our distracted eating is due to our food associations. (Search blog for that topic as I have slideshows and videos about it—-super important!)
2. We must make new food associations and turn some old food associations into other associations in order to reduce food from its “way too important” status.
3. Enjoy your food; eat without distractions
2. Make it an event, not just something you do in passing
3. Don’t rely on another stimulus while you are being stimulated by another stimulus—too much going on and less satisfaction from the food
4. Immerse yourself in your food
5. Eat slowly and chew many times
6. Ghrelin will be more realized if you eat slowly
7. IF is known for bodies recognizing leptin in 20 minutes rather than two hours after a meal—but we still need to eat slowly to make this happen
B. Sleep
1. Need to sleep well the night before a fast (so every night!)
2. Sleep deprived means more cortisol—cortisol is a hormone that increases blood sugar
3. When cortisol is high, we have more insulin; more insulin equals more hunger
4. Less sleep means more hunger!
5. Research has shown that 1-2 hours less sleep results in 24-30% more increase in hunger
6. Research has shown that people who regularly sleep fewer than seven hours have 26% more hunger than people who sleep closer to eight hours per night!
7. Research has found that shorter sleep periods (6 hours or fewer) lower overall daily leptin levels, cause an increase in appetite, and make people crave carbs and other “fattening” foods.
8. Falling asleep and staying asleep is crucial for keeping cortisol levels low/less insulin release/less hunger—use these tips
a. Eating carbs at the end of your eating window/closer to bedtime can help because of the satisfaction/lack of hunger when you’re trying to fall asleep
b. Omegas taken up to an hour before bed have been showed to help with sleep as the fat from them is released slowly—that fat release helps with sleep and helps with hunger the next day (though some divide their omegas up before bed and mid morning for hunger help)
C. Food During Eating Window
1. Ate Night Before
a. Too little
b. Super high carbs
i. Can give immediate satisfaction but not carry you through the fast
ii. May take you a while the next day to go into fat burning, which can be discouraging on weight loss/size loss
c. Processed foods
i. Not as recognized by ghrelin/leptin
ii. Can cause cravings, which will keep you from eating more healthfully during eating window
d. No fat or protein will result in little long term satiety
2. Foods when you open your window have huge effect on eating during eating window
a. Open with healthy foods
b. Save dessert for later
c. Start with foods that are more recognized by satiety signals
3. Foods you enjoy (especially near end of eating window) can have a huge effect on satiety
Previous Hunger Episodes
1. #30 Ghrelin Overall—What It Is, Its Pathway, How It Is Released, What Is Its Function, How to Control it Generally
2. #31 Ghrelin, Overall Hunger Controlled With IF, Controlling Ghrelin (lots of tips!), Water, Protein, Fat, Fiber
Plexus Plant-Based Supplements
A. Today’s Sponsor—Plexus Plant-Based Supplements—ProBio 5
1. Visit our store HERE
2. Hunger Control Slim (pink drink) HERE
3. Try a free sample of Plexus Slim Hunger Control (pink drink) HERE
4. ProBio 5
a. General–Three in one product (many people take all three of these)
i. Digestive enzymes—heal the gut; help with digestion
ii. Probiotic—good bacteria; long-living strands that last til they hit the gut (reason it doesn’t need refrigerated)
iii. Anti-fungals—break down the bad bacteria (that are then carried out through regular elimination)
b. Ingredients
i. Proteases
ii. Chitosanase
iii. Serrapeptase
iv. Probiotic blend
v. Vitamin C
vi. Vitamin B 6
c. Benefits
i. Breaks down bad bacteria
ii. Promotes digestive health
iii. Provides 5 strains of probiotic bacteria to help support and maintain intestinal flora
iv. Digestive enzymes aid in the breakdown of proteins and fibrous foods during digestion
v. Helps reduce free radical damage in the body
Below are a couple of links to books I use and love. I am an affiliate for If you click on the links below I will earn a small commission. Thank you for your support of this blog!
Places to Find Me and Find Out More About Intermittent Fasting!
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1) “Delay, Don’t Deny” book (amazing!)
2) “The Obesity Code” book
3) “Feast Without Fear” book
4) “The Complete Book of Fasting” (Jason Fung)
5) “Appetite Correction” book
6) “9 Facts About Plexus Slim” article
9) “Fasting Inferno” blog post with fun YouTube song and lyrics!