Episode 5 of The Intermittent Fasting Journal! That means I am five weeks in to IF! I am loving it–as you will be able to tell from this episode!
I am learning so many things–and I am growing as a person through the empowerment that I experience from the fasting window. And I love getting past the twelve hour mark and onto the sixteen hour mark–and knowing that my body is burning its own fat. So exciting!
I purposely do all of the “journey” and the “results” and more in the podcast and tell you at the end that I am going to discuss the supplements that I am using and how they are helping me. This way you can learn even if you don’t want to hear the “commercial’! 🙂 I am so excited about this way of life already! I hope it helps you as well!
Oh, and I would love to have you join The Intermittent Fasting Journal FB Group. We are small now, just starting out, but I have big plans for the group as I grow in my journey, and I would love to share it all with you. (Watch the blog and that FB group for my new (Free!) IF Start Up Charts coming out in December!)
IF Coaching Group coming February first! Watch the blog (Donna Reish.com) and the podcast for more details!
Intermittent Fasting Journal: Week 5
(1) What I Did
a. 19:5
b. Added low carb (60 to 80 carbs per day) three days a week
c. No other counting except fasting hours, eating hours,
d. Earlier windows/variety of windows (i.e not exact same time every day)
e. Counting fasting windows AND eating window
(2) Results
a. Lost 2 lbs vacay weight in the first two days back to 19:5!
b. 4 lbs total in 5 weeks–without weekend gain or going off plan!
c. Empowerment
(3) What I learned
a. 9:5 doable forever
b. Using self-talk helps me stay focused (Book: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself)
i. “I am a disciplined person who has control over my fasting and eating windows. I tell my body what to do, and it does what I say.”
ii. “I am at my goal weight through Intermittent Fasting. I fast easily and for long periods of time each day.”
iii. “Intermittent Fasting is not hard for me. I can do it easily.”
c. Five Second Rule–Count down–“5, 4, 3, 2, 1–FAST!” or “5, 4, 3, 2, 1–Fat Burn!”
d. Loved the vacation parameters (some 16:8–not just “going off plan entirely”!)
e. Low carb three days a week was easy–short term denial, similar to 19:5)
f. Loved flexibility of window times–moving it around according to schedule
g. Combining low carb with fasting three days a week gives faster loss
(4) Plexus Products/Supplementation
a. Pink drink–Plexus Slim
i. 5 calorie drink, sweetened with stevia, natural, plant-based—shake it in a water bottle (no blender needed)
ii. Energy, blood-sugar balancing, prebiotic for metabolism boosting and appetite suppression
iii. Also elevates mood, helps with sleep, and gives energy
b. Boost and/or Accelerator
i. Boosts metabolism, burns fat, suppresses appetite
ii. Natural caffeine–equivalent of 1 cup of coffee per capsule
c. Coaching group for Plexus users—starting February 1st
i. Accelerator also has anti-depressant qualities
Below are a couple of links to books I use and love. I am an affiliate for Amazon.com. If you click on the links below I will earn a small commission. Thank you for your support of this blog!
1) “Delay, Don’t Deny” book (amazing!)
3) “Feast Without Fear” book
4) The Intermittent Fasting Journal podcast in iTunes
5) Donna Reish blog (home of IF articles and videos, low carb cooking/baking, and productivity teaching)
6) “9 Facts About Plexus Slim” article