I explained all about my quest for low carb yeast dough–and how it resulted in a low carb sprouted flour mix that actually works to create yeast dough products at five to seven net carbs per serving–a few months ago. I have had many people write to tell me that they are trying it, and I am excited to have low carbers enjoying yeast baking along with me. That recipe (Low Carb Sprouted “Crescent Roll Dough”) has a lot of options for using the dough. However, people are still asking for specifics about this or that–how to make the exact dinner rolls in the picture or how to make a thin pizza crust or how to create full sized loaves of bread. So I am going to be breaking down the recipe for individual items, starting with the exact dinner rolls in the pictures! (Watch the blog for recipes using these rolls, such as Low Carb Hamaramas (or Hawaiian Ham and Cheese Sliders) and more!)
One of my favorite low carb snacks is softening one of these rolls (or a breadstick, if I made breadsticks out of the dough) and dipping it into melted cheese or beer cheese or nacho cheese. Such a treat for so few carbohydrates! Of course, they are perfect with a “Sunday dinner” with butter. Or with garlic butter spread over them and toasted in the oven or air fryer for a meatball dinner or chicken parmesan. Or with butter and sugar-free jam. Or….or….or. They are just yummy!
These low carb dinner rolls are so versatile! Here are some options for using this dough as dinner rolls:
1) After the first rise, shape and let rise again then bake immediately.
2) After the first rise, shape into balls and flash freeze on trays. Once frozen, drop into zip lock bags and place in freezer until needed. (I do this in 36 balls and then those balls are ready to be defrosted and shaped into dinner rolls, slider buns, crescent rolls, small breadsticks, or miniature Long John sweet rolls!)
3) After the first rise, divide into three parts and shape into three balls for three plentiful “tubes” of healthy crescent dough. Freeze these balls for later use.
4) Refrigerate dough (be sure you have a large bowl with a tight lid as dough will rise over a period of time in the refrigerator) and pull out and use pieces of it as needed over a week to ten day period of time. This will be considered the first rise.
Note: If you are trying to use the refrigerated or the frozen dough, you will need a significant amount of rise time. For the frozen dough, you can defrost partially on counter then move to the fridge. When you take dough out of the refrigerator to use, you will punch it down and then let it rise for two to three times the normal time as it chill has to leave it and then it starts to rise. This process is long, so be sure to allow significant rise time for any cold dough!
Below are links to the ingredients I use in the recipe above. I am an affiliate for Amazon.com. If you click on the links below I will earn a small commission. Thank you for your support of this blog!
- 3 heaping TBSP dry yeast (2½ packets)
- ½ cup bulk granulated Pyure* (0 net carbs) (or Gentle Sweet or Homemade Pyure, or other stevia blend) *Or use 1 cup cup of a cup-for-cup granulated sugar sub
- 1⅓- 1 ½ cup unsweetened almond milk heated to 100-110 degrees F (or water, half and half, coconut milk, cashew milk, etc.) ( 0 net carbs)
- 4 cups Low Carb Sprouted Flour Mix (36 net carbs per cup; 144 total)
- 2 cups white wheat sprouted flour (48 net carbs per cup; 96 total)
- 1 to 1 ½ tsp salt
- 4 eggs, beaten
- ½ cup melted butter ( but not hot)
- Combine yeast and sweetener in mixer.
- Pour in warm liquid and stir. Let this sit for ten minutes or so. (If using Rapid Rise yeast, this sitting step is not needed.)
- Combine flour mix, extra sprouted flour, and salt in another bowl and set aside.
- Add beaten eggs to yeast mixture as mixer is running.
- Add melted butter to yeast mixture.
- Add flour mixture with machine running using the dough hook attachment (if you are not going to knead manually).
- If you are kneading it by hand, mix until all is combined, remove from bowl, and knead for 8 to 10 minutes, adding flour mix as absolutely needed while still keeping fairly wet dough.
- If using dough hook, knead at Level TWO for 5 to 7 minutes. Add flour mix as absolutely needed while still keeping dough very wet.(This is an enriched dough. Part of its versatility is due to its softness/moistness. You want the dough to be so wet that you can just pick it up and it still sticks to your hands, but not so wet that it can’t be picked up.)
- Lift the dough up and grease the bowl. Place dough back into bowl and grease the top of the dough as well.
- Let dough rise in 85’, draft free area for 1 ½ hours. (I turn my oven on to 350 for one minute, then turn it off, and put my dough in the warm oven to rise.)
- To bake immediately, shape into 12 balls per batch (36 total balls) and let rise again for 45 to 60 minutes (will not fully double the second time).
- Bake a dozen round balls in a round pan or pie pan into rolls at 375 degrees for 15 to 18 minutes regular oven; 12 to 15 minutes convection until rich, golden brown (three dozen total for three pans with one recipe*)
- Remove from oven and brush with butter. (I have always placed a clean, damp tea towel on my finished baked yeast products as they cool. I like the way this softens the edges and tops of the baked goods.)
- *I often shape and bake one pan of rolls right away and refrigerate or freeze the other two "parts" of dough for another time. Or I go ahead and do one batch of dinner rolls, one loaf of bread, and one pizza crust. (See the original recipe linked above and future recipes for breads and pizza crusts.)
1) When done rising, divide in thirds, rolling each third into a 12-inch circle ¼ inch thick.
2) Spread with the soft butter and cut each circle into 12 to 16 wedges, depending on how many and how large you want your crescents.
3) Roll up each wedge beginning at the largest end and place, point side down, on a greased baking sheet. Curve to form crescents.
4) Cover and let rise until doubled, approximately 1 hour. (I use three separate pans when I do all three thirds of dough at one time.)
5) Bake at 375 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes regular oven; 9 to 12 minutes convection until rich, golden brown (three dozen total for three pans with one recipe).
P.S. Let me know how your low carb sprouted dinner rolls turn out! And tell me what you served them with! 🙂