Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 13


In Week 13 of the Daily Intermittent Fasting Journal Podcast/Videocast, Donna Reish chronicles her 13th week of Daily IF. She discusses her results of losing just under one pound a week despite being on vacation or holiday one third of the time during these three months! (That has never happened with vacays and holidays!) She teaches about studying what works best for each person—the Study of One as Dr. Bert Herring calls it in Appetite Correction. She talks about applying what you learn about yourself to your fasting hours, opening your eating window, choosing your fasting window length, and more. Donna also discusses how OMAD/3 (One Meal a Day divided into three distinct eating times) and how this helps to bring in boundaries for those who feel that Daily IF without eating restrictions is too loosey-goosey for them. Donna discusses her and her husband’s changes in eating patterns from 9:00 snacks at night to none and the positive effect this has had on their fasting. Finally, she discusses building belief about Daily IF–how we act on what we believe, and in order to make this a lifestyle, we must believe that it leads to the desired results.



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