by Donna Reish

In this episode, Donna Reish, blogger, author of over 100 English curriculum books for students in grades K through 12th, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, teaches on the hormone leptin. Donna begins describing what leptin is and how we have become resistant to it, “leptin resistant.” She then teaches about how leptin signals are like trying to hear someone with headphones on—and how much we truly miss of the signaling when our brains do not get the messages. She encourages overweight people that so many of the things that are bodies do not do for us now are not our faults—and how we can easily fix many of these things with knowledge and a few tweaks (like sleep, water, protein, fiber, timed eating, and more). Finally, Donna goes through a long list of ways that we can either increase leptin or increase our ability to hear leptin’s signals. These include fasting, eating anti-inflammatory foods, keeping insulin low, losing weight, eating real foods, consuming fewer processed foods, not drinking calories, eating high protein, exercising, and more! This broadcast is sponsored by the plant-based metabolism booster and appetite suppressant Plexus Boost.
by Donna Reish

I love questions from readers and viewers! They cause me to think deeply, research more, and examine things from different points of view. So send me questions! 🙂
Today’s Fast Shot video is about weight maintenance. Oh glorious day! I can’t wait…how about you?
So here are some thoughts I have as someone who is still 20 pounds from that exhilarating place! 🙂
by Donna Reish

Donna Reish, author of over 100 curriculum books for kids, blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, focuses this episode on more hunger during the fast issues—both in the beginning days and for long-term fosters. She begins by talking about an important subject that those who are only eating two or three times a day (snack/meal or meal/meal)—distracted eating. In working towards healthy eating habits and appropriate food associations, we need to learn to enjoy our meals and snacks more than ever before. She talks about how we can get rid of old food associations once IF becomes a way of life for us and how we can make new ones that involve sitting down and eating, savoring our foods without including another “stimulus.” Next, Donna talks about one of her favorite IF-related subjects—sleep! The research is clear from all camps on this one—sleep is crucial to fat burning (metabolism), hunger, mood, energy, cognitive function, and more. She shares studies about the effect of sleeping under seven hours on hunger, and it is significant! The third “hunger” component she describes is food during the eating window. What does protein and fat do for satiety during the fast? And what do carbs do for satisfaction (food reward) during the fast? Today’s broadcast is brought to you by Plexus ProBio 5, a three-in-one product with healthy bacteria, digestive enzymes, and anti-fungals (to get rid of bad bacteria!). This product is specially encapsulated so that it doesn’t have to refrigerated, and its contents are intact until it hits the gut, where it is needed. (For more hunger help, see the blog and/or Episodes #31 an #32 specifically.)
by Donna Reish

Donna Reish, curriculum author of over 100 books (for students grades pre-school through 12th!), blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, tackles more hunger issues during the fast. (Episode #30 was all about ghrelin; Episode #31 was all about ghrelin tips and hunger.) She teaches about the effects of caffeinated drinks on appetite, metabolism, and exercise performance. Then she delves into a study about the effect of chlorogenic acid from decaf coffee, caffeinated coffee, and caffeinated water—and their effect on the third hunger hormone, Peptide YY. Following this, she described why gut health influences hunger and cravings. And finally, she discusses the huge effect that cortisol has on hunger, cravings, and weight, including ways to reduce cortisol levels. This episode is sponsored by Plexus Slim, the pink drink!
by Donna Reish

In Episode 31 of Donna’s Intermittent Fasting Journal, Donna Reish, author of 100 curriculum books (for kids!), blogger, and IF teacher, teaches about how to control appetite/hunger/cravings/ghrelin. She begins the episode by giving her and her husband’s update—down over 100 pounds between the two of them in ten months with just over and under 20 pounds each remaining! She describes how fasting brings out various food sensitivities that might have been dormant or unknown prior to fasting, and how she has been having sugar headaches despite loving sugar her entire life! This has caused her and her husband to reduce their sugar intake somewhat. Donna then reviews some info from Episode 30 about the hunger hormone ghrelin, including where and how it is released. Next, she describes the food control that IF provides in general, including regulating blood sugar and insulin, healing the gut, providing more pronounced leptin signals, and more.
Donna moves into some tips on controlling ghrelin next. She describes the following: how ghrelin comes in waves and how to overcome those waves; foods and drinks that ghrelin works well with and doesn’t work well with; the effect of water (including mineral water and sparkling water) on ghrelin; stomach distensibility, fiber, and fruit; clock hunger; sleep; mineral balance; and more! Finally, Donna touches on foods that have an effect on satiety/hunger/ cravings, including protein, fat, and fiber. This episode is sponsored by Plexus’ ProBio 5—a three in one product that aids in gut health, digestion, breaking down bad bacteria such as candida/yeast overgrowth, and much more.