3 Surefire Ways to Lose Weight (Video & Chart Included!)
Picture this scenario. You’re a life-long dieter. You have done it all throughout your twenty to forty years of adulthood. Depending on when you began your life-long journey, you have done low fat (and almost fat free) with chicken breast, cottage cheese, egg whites, dry toast, saltines, pineapple, and frozen yogurt (while exercising with Jane Fonda or Richard Simmons—I’m really dating myself here!). You’ve done the calorie counting and/or points. As a matter of fact, you’ve done so many versions of the points that you can tell which things were free and which things *really* cost you in each point system. (Great point counter, you are!) You have gone low carb—and possibly even braved the Keto waters, in which you only ate five foods (green veggies, fat (including full fat dairy), meats, nuts, and eggs). You learned to cook and bake (maybe using this blog—thanks!) and then quickly settled in to a low carb lifestyle when you decided Keto was just plain boring! (Sorry Keto fans…a lot of us think that! ? We can still be friends, can’t we?)