3 Ways to Get Into Ketosis (Broadcast 52)

3 Ways to Get Into Ketosis (Broadcast 52)

 Dear Listener and Learner,

I’m so glad you’re both! We can listen, listen, listen…but it is learning/applying what we hear that really matters. Doesn’t it? Anyway, thanks for joining me!

Ketosis is a coveted space to be in by many people. When most people think of ketosis, they think of the keto diet. However, if the keto diet were the only way to get into “fat burning,” how would people lose weight every day with other protocols?

(Yes, please….make all decisions for your health and weight management through three lenses: research, personal experience, outside observations of others!)

Come to find out, we can get into fat burning in many ways. On today’s broadcast, I discuss three ways to get into ketosis—that is three ways to burn through circulating glucose and stored glycogen to get the body into the optimal position for fat burning.

In this broadcast, I discuss what is ketosis and why people seek it. Then I move into three ways that we can get into ketosis. The first way is the most commonly known—the ketogenic diet. I also point out some of the downfalls of this method (including that people think they’re doing keto is they simply reduce carbs—the keto diet is not simply reducing carbohydrates).

The second way I discuss is my personal favorite, Intermittent Fasting. Who knew that we can get into ketosis daily with simply not eating for 16 to 20 hours out of every 24 hours!? Fasting has been found to get people into ketosis/fat burning 16 x more frequently than the typical diet.

The final way I discuss is another personal favorite—strength training. Strength training is a FAST way to burn through glycogen stores in the muscles—like rapid fasting! How cool is that?


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