5 Kinds of Freezer Cooking


When a person asks me to help them get started in freezer cooking, I am always anxious to offer advice and help because I know how much it has helped me, blessed others, and nourished my family for the past twenty-six years.


As I stated earlier on the blog, my first piece of advice is to not make it bigger than it needs to be. Freezer cooking doesn’t have to be this all-encompassing way of life that is so huge you can’t bear to face cooking day. On the other hand, if you like to go big (which I always have!), then by all means, go big.


5 Tips to Become More Efficient in the Kitchen

5 Tips to Become More Efficient in the Kitchen

Freezer cooking. Crock pots. Semi-homemade. Instant pot. Microwaves. Casseroles. One dish skillets. All of these phrases describe ways by which people everywhere are trying to be more efficient in the kitchen. Time is at a premium for families everywhere. Cooking at all, much less taking the time to cook truly healthful, real food meals, is hard to do. I did a podcast a while back (before I was even cooking so low carb/sugar-free/low grain) detailing five ways I have found to be more efficient in the kitchen. These tips are useful for all types of cooks.


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