How to Quietly Follow a Post on Facebook

How to Quietly Follow a Post on Facebook


People in Facebook groups can get pretty grouchy sometimes. And people in dieting FB groups are the worst of all!


One of the things that FB groupies get the most upset about (besides the obvious posting of a picture of your lunch with half a banana on the plate on low carb FB pages!) is that of people following a post by writing “Following” or placing * in the Comments Section. Wowsie…I have seen people come undone over this one (over the “Following” AND the half a banana!).



Tried and True [Super Easy] Stain Removal

Seven kids in fourteen years. Tons of stains.

Super Easy Stain Removal

Pre-Pinterest. Pre-internet…..mostly just Helps from Heloise columns and books from the library. 🙂

I tried it all….

But for the past ten years, I have used one trick over and over and over.


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