Sweetened condensed milk. Otherwise known affectionately by holiday bakers as just Eagle Brand. We all know what it means—cream, butter, and sugar. Combined to make a magic concoction that turns everything it touches into a dessert that brings tears to our eyes (especially to those of us who can’t have it anymore!).
So what is a sugar-free, low carb, healthy baker to do? Learn how to make our own, that’s what!
I’ll be the first to admit that none of the three recipes I have tweaked for this are the same as the creamy, milky lava that creeps out of the Eagle Brand can. However, I also have to tell you that these concoctions are pretty good. And they work—they make amazing fudge (one of the most-similar-to-marshmallow-cream-chocolate-walnut-fudge that I have had!); great Magic Seven Layer Bars; good “Better Than Sex Cake”; and a decent caramel sauce (in the “Eagle Brand in the jar crock pot magic caramel sauce” recipe floating around the internet).
I give three choices—the simplest one has powdered milk (though I’ve been reading about using vanilla protein powder in place of powdered milk…let me know if you try that!) and is a five minute process that is fairly thick.
The moderate-work one is a stove top one that takes quite a while but doesn’t have powdered milk and thickens fine too. (I just start it while I’m doing other cooking and baking and keep watching it and stirring it as I have that kitchen session.)
The last one is the easiest, also healthy—but takes forever in the crock pot and is the thinnest of the three choices.
Once you make some, you can refrigerate it (I like to double or triple) and pull it out for various uses. The best uses by far are the ones within things, like fudge, cake, and bars. Making sauces from it only yields an average, less-than-sticky substance (as many low carb/sugar-free sauces do unless you use sugar-free honey or sugar-free corn syrup). For the recipes I use them in—I love these!
For information about Pyure vs other healthy, sugar-free substitutes, take a look at my chart here, a free chapter from my e-book comparing and expounding upon the choices, and/or my free e-book here.
My homemade, sugar-free versions make the yummiest, most “normal-tasting” chocolate fudge!
Each recipe has the same approximate yield…
Yield: 1 can of “Eagle Brand”—approximately 1 1/3 cup
Net Carbs: 10 grams (for one full recipe)
Calories: 485
Total Fat: 44 grams
Protein: 6 grams
Each one is extremely low carb, extremely high fat, and THM Solid S—no way around any of that! 🙂
Below are links to the ingredients I use in this recipe. I am an affiliate for Amazon.com. If you click on the links below I will earn a small commission. Thank you for your support of this blog!
#1 RECIPE—-Fastest, Least Healthy (powdered milk), Thickest Version—Ready in a Couple of Minutes
Don’t forget to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page for this recipe’s helpful Recipe Keys!
- 1 cup instant non-fat milk (or vanilla whey protein powder)
- ¼ cup boiling water
- 4 TBSP melted butter
- ⅓ cup Pyure* (or Gentle Sweet or Homemade Pyure, or other stevia-blend) *Or use ⅔ cups of cup-for-cup sugar sub
- 2 tsps vanilla extract (not imitation)
- Mix all ingredients in a blender or with an
- immersion blender until creamy.
- Store in refrigerator or use immediately
#2 RECIPE : Sugar-Free Stovetop Sweetened Condensed Milk Recipe (two plus hours cook time)
- 3 cups milk (almond, coconut, half and half, etc.—I use half almond and half ½ and ½)
- 1 cup Pyure* (or Gentle Sweet or Homemade Pyure, or other stevia-blend)*Or use 2 cups of cup-for-cup sugar sub
- 2 TBSP butter
- 2 tsps vanilla extract (not imitation)
- Combine milk and sweetener in a medium saucepan on medium heat.
- Bring to a boil, whisking continually.
- Reduce and slowly cook on the lowest temperature until you have approximately 1⅓ cup. This may take two hours or more. Stir often, but not continually.
- When milk is reduced by half (resulting in approximately 1⅓ cup), remove from heat and whisk in butter and vanilla extract.
- Pour into a clean glass jar and allow to cool. Store in the refrigerator or use immediately. Mixture will thicken more after being refrigerated, so I like to chill then use later.
- This was thinner than sugar-filled, store-bought sweetened condensed milk (though it does thicken in the refrigerator more). I’ve toyed with the idea of sprinkling a ½ teaspoon gluccomannan over it and whisking quickly and/or loosening a half a bar of cream cheese (or more) in microwave or stove top and whisking it into the mixture.
#3 RECIPE: Sugar-Free Crock Pot Sweetened Condensed Milk Recipe
- 3 cups milk (almond, coconut, half and half, etc.—I use half almond and half ½ and ½)
- 1 cup Pyure* (or Gentle Sweet or Homemade Pyure, or other stevia-blend)*Or use 2 cups of cup-for-cup sugar sub
- 2 TBSP butter
- 2 tsps vanilla extract (not imitation)
- Pour milk and sweetener into crock pot.
- Cook on high for one hour covered.
- Reduce to medium with the lid half on and half off for 6 to 8 hours, depending on how hot your medium is.
- Remove from crock base and stir in butter and vanilla.
- When cool enough, pour into jar and refrigerate (or use).

Does the stevia/sugar sub need to be granulated for this to work, or is a liquid version okay?
I made this tonight and it tastes amazing. I used Recipe #1. I used the Atkins Vanilla Protein Powder, 2/3 cup granulated Swerve (Erythritol) and 1/2 cup of boiling water. I started out with 1/4 cup but it just wasn’t enough liquid so I add another 1/4 cup and it worked perfectly. I did everything else listed as is in the recipe.
Does one have to add any sugar, whether real sugar or sugar substitute?