by Donna Reish

In this broadcast, Donna Reish (IF blogger, curriculum author, and course creator) gives her and her husband’s seven month IF update (70 pounds between the two of them and many sizes!). She describes their OMAD/3 (One Meal a Day divided into three parts—SED—Snack/Entrée/Dessert) as well as how they open their eating window. Donna then briefly reviews last week’s info on 7 Ways to Lose Weight Faster With Intermittent Fasting (fasting longer, OMAD/3, Fasting Spectrum, reducing carbs somewhat, keto diet, exercise, and counting calories). She moves into more weight loss helps and tips and describes the effect of each one on the Intermittent Faster: drinking coffee, sleeping longer/better, consuming water, keeping truly busy, taking 5 HTP, and filling the stomach with fiber! Donna’s sponsor today is her beloved Accelerator—with caffeine, 5HTP, yerbe mate (appetite suppressant), and more!
by Donna Reish

Eat Anything, Not Everything!
Join Donna in a month-long course in which you will receive daily videos, outlines, help sheets, charts, and more! Learn in an orderly fashion how to incorporate this amazing weight-loss lifestyle with the support and help you need to succeed. You will discover that it’s “worth the wait to lose the weight”!
by Donna Reish

In this videocast/podcast, Donna Reish (Intermittent Fasting blogger, IF course teacher, and recipe creator) teaches listeners ways to speed up weight loss while Intermittent Fasting. She tackles how and why fasting longer (20-24 hours) decreases insulin, increases human growth hormone, puts body into ketosis, shortens eating window to lessen calories, and more. Her second tip includes dividing OMAD (one meal a day) into three parts for OMAD/3—or SED: Snack/Entrée/Dessert. This is a natural boundary without specific restrictions. Her third tip is to examine what you might be consuming during your fasting window and making sure that nothing you are consuming is causing a spike in insulin or a desire for food. Donna’s fourth tip includes reducing carbohydrates by even a little—and why you shouldn’t try to “kind of keto.” Her fifth tip to speed up weight loss is to go on a ketosis diet for a short period of time. Sixthly, Donna describes how exercising in the fasted state can be “basically a rapidly-stimulated form of fasting” and how morning exercise can affect fat burning and weight loss. Lastly, Donna tackles the counting calories/points/MyFitnessPal tip—explaining how you might lose fast with this but also helping listeners realize the detriments from going too low in calories during fasting. Donna’s sponsor this week is her beloved new Hunger Control Slim, aka the pink drink. She describes how this helps her with fasting during the sponsor portion of the program at the very end.
by Donna Reish

Many many years ago when I only had five kids eight and under, I developed a system for my homeschool and home management (or thought I did—I’m sure others had hit upon it long before me!) of BLOCKING my time in order to get everything in each day.
Time Blocking, for me, was more than just creating schedules. It was assigning a block of time to each child’s subject, group of subjects, etc., as opposed to 9:15 math with Joshua; 9:30 math with Kayla, etc. I would schedule things more like college–with large blocks of time less frequently.
by Donna Reish

Yep, I’m going to talk about them again!
May was a month of vacays, biz trips, and travels. Normally in those times, I would have called a break from my weight loss protocol—and started collecting junk food for our travels.
I used to go to Walmart and buy a lot of junk food.
Then I would come home and organized it into tubs by type. (I told you I was a crazy organizing woman!)
Then we would stop at Cracker Barrel and gas stations for more….the more “specialized” things that we couldn’t get at Walmart.
But this association had to go.
by Donna Reish

In this podcast/videocast episode, Donna Reish addresses Intermittent Fasting and Vacations again! Following up last week’s episode in which she described their two weeks of vacation, weight gain, calories, and more, Donna now addresses how to keep healthy habits going and have minimum weight impact during vacations. She talks about the importance of not starting vacation before vacation begins (a mindshift change from our old dieting ways!). She recommends doing some longer fasts before vacation in order to be at your best when you leave—size wise and motivation wise! Donna recommends that you look at your vacation week, choose your “specials,” and try to figure out some fasting hours that you can keep during vacation. These can vary, but they will help you not feel so bloated, have energy, AND control calories some without counting or restricting. Next, she moves into the effect that exercise can have on a trip—burning some extra calories, keeping metabolism stoked, putting you into fat burning sooner, and more. Donna then describes the roles of insulin (fat storing) and glucagon (fat releasing) and how eating two meals a day during your vacation vs grazing can have an effect on fat burning, calorie control, satiation, insulin production, and more. Donna’s Plexus biz sponsors the episodes—and this week’s was Plexus Slim Hunger Control—the pink drink that fills your stomach up so you aren’t hungry! She describes this in the “commercial” portion at the end of the episode.