Welcome to another Fast Shot Video Post! Today I am answering a reader’s question about counting calories, knowing your TDEE, and using Appetite Correction vs. Calorie Counting to get to your goal weight!

Fast Shot: Should You Count Calories Along with IF to Reach Your Goal?



1) Calorie Counting vs. Appetite Correction


a. Remembering that AC works best with real foods

b. Satiety hormones do not read processed foods as well

c. Satiety hormones seldom read liquid calories

d. Is your AC strong enough to get you to your goal weight without any other restrictions in place (besides the feasting and fasting windows)?



2) TDEE–Total Daily Energy Expenditure


a. Have you focused so much on carbs that you haven’t realized what your body really needs energy-wise (caloric intake) overall?

b. Good idea to know what your body will need at your new weight

c. Realizing that what we are doing when we reach our goal weight is probably our new life—we aren’t going to go “off”

d. IIFYM.com Good site for figuring what you need at your goal weight; takes into consideration your goal weight, activity level, current weight, exercise level and frequency, age, height, and more

e. My Fitness Pal is also a good TDEE counter



3) When might it benefit


a. Last 20 pounds

b. At a plateau for quite a while

c. Needing to have more counting/restriction due to too many parties and festivities (can you really have too many festivities???)

d. Not really understanding what your body needs at your new weight



4) Other Places to Learn More


a. TDEE and Calorie Cycling— IF journal Broadcast #26

b. TDEE and Carbohydrate Cycling–IF Journal Broadcast #27 and #28 

c. Have questions about IF? I have answers! Attend one of my FREE webinars, “10 IF Questions”



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