by Donna Reish
In this Fast Shot video, Donna Reish, author of over 100 curriculum books for students, blogger, weight loss coach-in-training, and Intermittent Fasting (IF) teacher, explains how and why she began IF—and what she has learned. She delves into the “eat anything you want” approach and its compellingness and then moves into the freedom she has found in IF. She discusses the main four ways we lose weight, inches, and cravings with IF—and how they apply to her current choices and lifestyle. Learn more about IF in Donna’s free workshop:
by Donna Reish
In today’s Fast Shot, Donna Reish, author of over 100 language arts/writing curriculum books for students, blogger, weight management teacher/coach, and health-seeker, answers a reader’s plea for immediate help with weight loss. Rather than asking this gal to start on One Meal a Day and long fasting, extreme diets that can’t be sustained, or other impossibilities, Donna gives the reader hope with five tips that she can implement immediately to get her health and weight loss going in the right direction. Donna recommends that the listener reduces her eating hours/begin implement fasting hours at a beginner’s level; stops drinking calories; eats two or three distinct times; makes at least half of her food real; and plans tomorrow’s food today. These five tips will help the listener immediately–both weight-wise and emotionally/mentally.
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by Donna Reish
Donna Reish, blogger, Intermittent Fasting teacher, health seeker, and author of over 100 curriculum books for students shares the Four Ways We Reduce Weight, Inches, and Cravings With Intermittent Fasting in this episode. Donna uses her four quad chart to show the four things that affect weight loss, inch loss, and craving reductions. (Scroll down to the bottom to see the charts!)
The four ways we lose include getting into fat burning during the fast, retaining muscle through fasting, skimming off calories (and reducing cravings/controlling appetite through fasting), and boosting our metabolism. Donna then describes IF as a lifestyle and how we CAN tweak the schedule as desired, but veering too far off or constantly making exceptions can lead to our “stopping and starting” IF—which reduces the chance of it becoming a lifestyle for us. This episode is sponsored by Plexus Slim, Hunger Control. Get your free sample of this amazing, energy-giving pink drink HERE.
by Donna Reish
In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about ways to improve sleep. She begins the broadcast with her and her husband’s fasting update and what she has been learning about processed foods and Appetite Correction through applying Dr. Stephan Guyenet’s The Hungry Brain teaching to fasting. Basically, she explains, seductive, processed, calorie-dense, high trigger foods do not signal AC as well, so she and her husband are learning to save these foods for dinners out and “parties” and eat less seductive foods at home—while not considering what the macros of these foods are (i.e carbs are bad or fats are bad).
by Donna Reish
In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about insomnia and Intermittent Fasting. She begins the broadcast with her and her husband’s fasting update and what she has been learning about calorie cycling—and how many IF’ers who are within 20 pounds of their goal weight do a version of calorie cycling without even realizing it or counting calories. She describes how making food restrictions based on occasions and eating at home can help us break through plateaus and set us up for healthier eating overall.
Donna then digs into the topic of insomnia—and how our circadian rhythms are related to insomnia as well as to our fasting and eating cycles. She describes potential causes for insomnia as related to fasting—including hunger, lack of satiety, and lack of food satisfaction. She also describes how IF-related insomnia usually subsides within a week or so and how IF actually gives deeper and better sleep overall. Then she moves into typical reasons for insomnia, describing how they affect our sleep and wake patterns. These include caffeine, blue light, exercise, lack of activity/napping/sleeping late, magnesium deficiency, and subdued melatonin release.
This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Specifically, Donna taught about Plexus’ new metabolism/cortisol-reducing/thyroid aiding MetaBurn today! This natural, plant-based product is loaded with amazing adaptogens as well as other incredible mood and metabolism-boosting ingredients. Donna is offering a FREE private FB group centered around weight management coaching and teaching for all of her wholesalers and customers in the coming year!