by Donna Reish

The Prioritizing Planner for 2018 is here–and it is way more than a calendar or even a planner. It’s colorful and lovely. It helps even the “least organized” finally get organized and reach their goals. Tired of the old school planners that have every hour laid out for you to fill in (but without the understanding of what to put in those “hours” except for appointments and kids’ activities?)? Do you wish you didn’t have to take an average planner and tweak every page in order for it to be usable for your productivity habits and activities? Moreover, do you wish you had a planner that TEACHES you how to prioritize and be productive simply through using it? If so, the Prioritizing Planner might be just what you are looking for!
by Donna Reish

Just over twenty years ago I wrote my first homeschooling workshop for conventions. It was a three-part series titled “Helps for Homeschooling Moms—Prioritizing, Organizing, and Scheduling.” And guess what the first thing in the first session was (the Prioritizing one)? Yep—it was about getting rid of perfectionism!
by Donna Reish

When we set out to teach our children how to be diligent, we sometimes overlook the self-checking that needs to happen in our own lives. “Of course, I’m diligent. I work all day and barely have a break!” OR “I know I’m diligent because I’m busy all the time.” Unfortunately, neither of these scenarios is a benchmark for diligence.
by Donna Reish

One of my longest standing workshops for moms is an audio set called Helps for Homeschooling Moms. It is a three-part series that begins with “Prioritizing” for one hour then “Organizing” for one hour then “Scheduling” for one hour. (As a matter of fact, just yesterday a FB friend posted and tagged me in her old cassette version of this audio set, telling me and my FB friends how much she learned from that set many years ago. What a joy to see that!)
by Donna Reish

“Procrastinator? No. I just wait until the last second to do my work because I will be older, therefore, wiser.”
“I got so much procrastination done today!”
“I’m not a procrastinator. I just prefer to do all my work in a deadline-induced panic.”
“I’m a huge procrastinator….but that’s okay! At least I’m a pro at something!”
“I’m very busy doing things I don’t need to do in order to avoid doing anything I’m actually supposed to be doing.”
“Nothing makes a person more productive than the last ten minutes.”
“Why do today what I could put off until tomorrow?”