Everyone thinks it’s pumpkin season…pumpkin EVERYTHING…..and I know it is ’bout that time. However, I am never really done with apple season. Are you?

In honor of apple season…..I thought I would put together my five favorite Sugar-Free Apple Treats from the blog. (And I’m working on another one—sugar-free apple crisp in a mug…so stay tuned!)

Have fun with these tasty apple treats. Low enough in carbs to even open your eating window with them (OMAD/3) if you fasters want to! (I know I do!)



1) My favorite year-round apple recipe, which I have nearly weekly (honest…it’s that good!) is made from my Sugar-Free Cream Cheese Dessert Base (you want this in your fridge or freezer!). It is delicious with apples (and with sugar-free cinnamon crisps made out of low carb/healthy tortilla shells!).



2) And…one of my hubby’s favorites! Peanut-Butter Mayo Apple Salad….it’s not as strange as it sounds. And lots of people actually like this unusual dressing. So give it a try and let me know what you think!




3) While not a true “apple recipe,” this caramel sauce is perfect for apples! It doesn’t “stick” like traditional caramels do, but it’s great for dipping (and for ice cream topping and for the aforementioned cinnamon crips and for stirring into coffee or hot cocoa and so much more!




4) Speaking of caramel sauce, did you know there’s such a thing as “apple nachos“? And did you know it is apples coated with yummy goodness? I’ve figured out how to make a healthy version of this (using the caramel sauce mentioned above!).




5) Last, but definitely not least, one of my top ten sugar-free recipes of all times is my amazing Crock Pot Apple Butter. Nobody ever knows it’s sugar free! And it is very little work time. (You don’t even peel the apples!) I love this on my sprouted bread! But it’s also great on low carb/healthy tortillas! AND in oatmeal!



Hope your fall is going great! And that your apples are plentiful!

Let’s all “feel great and live well,”



P.S. Don’t forget about my FREE Intermittent Fasting webinar….three or four sessions during the last two weeks of each month! Visit intermittentfastingwebinar.com

(Or my month-long course–the first Monday of each month…..visit intermittentfastingcourse.com)

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