by Donna Reish
In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about what to expect after one month of fasting and what to focus on for your fasting time and your eating window at this point. (She also gives lots of help and encouragement for new fasters in general!)
Donna begins with her and her husband’s “journal.” She talks about how there will always be things to work around and problems to solve. Being a problem solver is a huge part of achieving weight management. She talks about how she has a little longer eating window now (5-6 hours a day) due to her schedule with her husband and her strength training—and how important it is to eat more healthy and real foods when you have a longer eating window. She also describes her opening snack as “more real food” and less villainizing of a certain macronutrient (i.e. fats or carbs).
Next, Donna delves into what to expect and what to focus on during the fasting hours after a while on IF. First she suggests that you get to the fasting hours you desire—even if you need to do it incrementally. Rushing it and then quitting will not give you the adherence that is required to lose weight. (Get Donna’s IF Start Up Charts and try Chart 4!) She recommends focusing on the fast until you have a groove that works for you. She talks about the importance of flexibility in order to make fasting a lifestyle.
After your fasting is where you want it to be, Donna encourages you to watch out for Appetite Correction! It will be coming soon—ghrelin will continue to be tamed. Clock hunger will diminish. Taming ghrelin will happen through consistency in fasting! Hearing leptin signals will start getting better and better as you fast longer.
This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Specifically, Donna taught about Plexus Slim, the pink drink. She described the XOS—Prebiotic version that feeds the good bacteria in our guts and the Hunger Control—Appetite Suppressing version that gives us fiber to fill our guts up and keep us from overeating. Both Slims balance blood sugar, give energy, enhance mood, help with sleep, provide antioxidants, and much more. Try your free sample today by clicking HERE.
by Donna Reish
In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about whether you should continue to fast when weight loss has plateaued, slowed, or stopped. She begins this presentation by telling, in a nutshell, why she and her husband (the two have lost over 100 pounds together in a year on IF) will always practice some form of Intermittent Fasting (in spite of both of their “weight plateaus” right now).
Donna begins this discussion by talking about what was happening to her before IF—always some form of dieting, losing and regaining, perfection or guilt, limiting one macro or another, etc. She also discusses the differences among various metrics—pounds, inches, clothes, appearance—and how we should consider all, not just weight. She also touches on motivation to exercise and change our bodies.
Next, Donna describes the difficulties in achieving leptin and insulin sensitivities. Both of these require us to exercise and eat right—the two things that resistances cause us NOT to be able to do! With IF, these things are done for us. She goes into detail about we can tame grehlin and hear leptin signals. She delves into toher food controls, including the ability to eat closer to what our bodies need (30% less than what we typically ate before IF), the beauty of the built-in boundaries IF provides, the ability to practice 80/20 including parties and special occasions, and much more.
The “other benefits” that Donna describes would be enough to keep anyone on the IF train, even if weight loss isn’t so fast. These include time, money, energy, and trash savings; metabolism boosting; dopamine spikes less with less frequent eating, resulting in our not desiring certain foods as much; inch loss; eating all macros; simplicity; disease prevention; longevity; cognitive function; and so much more!
This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Specifically, Donna taught about Plexus Slim, the pink drink. She described the XOS—Prebiotic version that feeds the good bacteria in our guts and the Hunger Control—Appetite Suppressing version that gives us fiber to fill our guts up and keep us from overeating. Both Slims balance blood sugar, give energy, enhance mood, help with sleep, provide antioxidants, and much more. Try your free sample today by going HERE.
by Donna Reish

In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about ways to improve sleep. She begins the broadcast with her and her husband’s fasting update and what she has been learning about processed foods and Appetite Correction through applying Dr. Stephan Guyenet’s The Hungry Brain teaching to fasting. Basically, she explains, seductive, processed, calorie-dense, high trigger foods do not signal AC as well, so she and her husband are learning to save these foods for dinners out and “parties” and eat less seductive foods at home—while not considering what the macros of these foods are (i.e carbs are bad or fats are bad).
by Donna Reish

In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about insomnia and Intermittent Fasting. She begins the broadcast with her and her husband’s fasting update and what she has been learning about calorie cycling—and how many IF’ers who are within 20 pounds of their goal weight do a version of calorie cycling without even realizing it or counting calories. She describes how making food restrictions based on occasions and eating at home can help us break through plateaus and set us up for healthier eating overall.
Donna then digs into the topic of insomnia—and how our circadian rhythms are related to insomnia as well as to our fasting and eating cycles. She describes potential causes for insomnia as related to fasting—including hunger, lack of satiety, and lack of food satisfaction. She also describes how IF-related insomnia usually subsides within a week or so and how IF actually gives deeper and better sleep overall. Then she moves into typical reasons for insomnia, describing how they affect our sleep and wake patterns. These include caffeine, blue light, exercise, lack of activity/napping/sleeping late, magnesium deficiency, and subdued melatonin release.
This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Specifically, Donna taught about Plexus’ new metabolism/cortisol-reducing/thyroid aiding MetaBurn today! This natural, plant-based product is loaded with amazing adaptogens as well as other incredible mood and metabolism-boosting ingredients. Donna is offering a FREE private FB group centered around weight management coaching and teaching for all of her wholesalers and customers in the coming year!
by Donna Reish

In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about the benefits of adequate sleep and the downside of too little sleep. She begins the broadcast with her and her husband’s fasting update and what she has been learning from Dr. Stephan Guyenet’s book, The Hungry Brain. Specifically, Donna points out how important it is to control our food environment if we want to reduce our processed food intake and eat more real foods/less calorie dense foods on a regular basis—and how to make treats into the “special occasions” that they should be. Then she digs into statistics on sleep in general—how much we sleep today vs thirty years ago; circadian rhythms, and more. Next, Donna gives the many benefits of sleeping 7 to 9 hours each night (including its effect on weight management efforts). Then she goes into detail about the detriments of too little sleep, which include lowering of Human Growth Hormone, raising of cortisol (stress hormone), lessening of our response to leptin (satiety hormone), and much more. This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Specifically, Donna taught about Plexus’ magnesium supplement, BioCleanse, today! Donna is offering a FREE private FB group centered around weight management coaching and teaching for all of her wholesalers and customers in the coming year!
by Donna Reish

In this “special” Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, combines two of her “Fast Shot” videos into one broadcast during the holidays when she wasn’t recording as much. The first half of this episode is Donna describing when and how someone might want to count calories while Intermittent Fasting. Calorie counting might work well for someone who has eaten very calorie dense through low carb/high fat prior to IF. It might help someone who eats too much processed food. It might help someone who is down to their last 20-30 pounds. Donna also explains how to figure your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). In the second half, Donna teaches viewers about Calorie Cycling. She explains why it is superior to calorie counting, how many Intermittent Fasters do this naturally in planning for bigger meals and festivities, and how calorie cycling can help us eat more nutrient dense foods. This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Donna is offering a private FB group centered around weight management coaching and teaching for all of her wholesalers and customers in the coming year! (more…)