Scroll down to view video and to download the outline and game board!!
1. Caloric intake and caloric burning combine to form the foundation of our body weight.
a. Starts here but can be affected by so many things.
b. We can affect our pounds, our hunger, our appetite, our size, our inches, our body fat, and more through other variables besides caloric intake and caloric expenditure.
2. Extreme proponents tell us different things and use different pieces of research for their points—so they all sound correct to us!
a. Carbohydrate-Insulin model (CIM) on one side tell us it has nothing to do with calories and everything to do with carbohydrates/insulin release/hormones…..and have people testimonials of people who eat 5,000 calories per day of keto (80-85% fat; 10% protein; 5 percent carbs), proving that calories do not matter.
b. “Real foods” make all the difference have people who only eat real foods and do not count calories (but do not limit macros, fat, carbs, protein to any degree) and say it all boils down to real foods.
c. CI/CI only proponents show testimonials of people on Twinkie diet who ate nothing but junk but at the caloric amount needed to get to their goal weight—and tell us macros have nothing to do with it.
3. Bottom line: MANY things affect whether we will gain pounds, inches, or fat this week—and whether we will be able to control our cravings and whether we will sleep well and whether we will have mood issues and on and on…..these come together to form the “perfect weight management storm.”
4. Bottom line: Find the things that affect you and work on those things—and let all the conflicting research fall aside. As Dr. Herring says in his book AC: Appetite Correction…. N=1…study of one. Study of YOU!
5. Going to present 11 things that could affect you and your weight/size/appetite/cravings, etc. Many other things are not in this game—though they can also affect you. (These are at my YouTube channel, blog, webinar, and IF course…I will have links throughout the video series for additional info for you!)
a. Ghrelin (touched on here) b. Leptin (satiety hormone)
In this episode, Donna Reish, blogger, author of over 100 English curriculum books for students in grades K through 12th, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, teaches on the hormone leptin. Donna begins describing what leptin is and how we have become resistant to it, “leptin resistant.” She then teaches about how leptin signals are like trying to hear someone with headphones on—and how much we truly miss of the signaling when our brains do not get the messages. She encourages overweight people that so many of the things that are bodies do not do for us now are not our faults—and how we can easily fix many of these things with knowledge and a few tweaks (like sleep, water, protein, fiber, timed eating, and more). Finally, Donna goes through a long list of ways that we can either increase leptin or increase our ability to hear leptin’s signals. These include fasting, eating anti-inflammatory foods, keeping insulin low, losing weight, eating real foods, consuming fewer processed foods, not drinking calories, eating high protein, exercising, and more! This broadcast is sponsored by the plant-based metabolism booster and appetite suppressant Plexus Boost.
Donna Reish, author of over 100 curriculum books for kids, blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, focuses this episode on more hunger during the fast issues—both in the beginning days and for long-term fosters. She begins by talking about an important subject that those who are only eating two or three times a day (snack/meal or meal/meal)—distracted eating. In working towards healthy eating habits and appropriate food associations, we need to learn to enjoy our meals and snacks more than ever before. She talks about how we can get rid of old food associations once IF becomes a way of life for us and how we can make new ones that involve sitting down and eating, savoring our foods without including another “stimulus.” Next, Donna talks about one of her favorite IF-related subjects—sleep! The research is clear from all camps on this one—sleep is crucial to fat burning (metabolism), hunger, mood, energy, cognitive function, and more. She shares studies about the effect of sleeping under seven hours on hunger, and it is significant! The third “hunger” component she describes is food during the eating window. What does protein and fat do for satiety during the fast? And what do carbs do for satisfaction (food reward) during the fast? Today’s broadcast is brought to you by Plexus ProBio 5, a three-in-one product with healthy bacteria, digestive enzymes, and anti-fungals (to get rid of bad bacteria!). This product is specially encapsulated so that it doesn’t have to refrigerated, and its contents are intact until it hits the gut, where it is needed. (For more hunger help, see the blog and/or Episodes #31 an #32 specifically.)
Donna Reish, curriculum author of over 100 books (for students grades pre-school through 12th!), blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, tackles more hunger issues during the fast. (Episode #30 was all about ghrelin; Episode #31 was all about ghrelin tips and hunger.) She teaches about the effects of caffeinated drinks on appetite, metabolism, and exercise performance. Then she delves into a study about the effect of chlorogenic acid from decaf coffee, caffeinated coffee, and caffeinated water—and their effect on the third hunger hormone, Peptide YY. Following this, she described why gut health influences hunger and cravings. And finally, she discusses the huge effect that cortisol has on hunger, cravings, and weight, including ways to reduce cortisol levels. This episode is sponsored by Plexus Slim, the pink drink!
In Episode 31 of Donna’s Intermittent Fasting Journal, Donna Reish, author of 100 curriculum books (for kids!), blogger, and IF teacher, teaches about how to control appetite/hunger/cravings/ghrelin. She begins the episode by giving her and her husband’s update—down over 100 pounds between the two of them in ten months with just over and under 20 pounds each remaining! She describes how fasting brings out various food sensitivities that might have been dormant or unknown prior to fasting, and how she has been having sugar headaches despite loving sugar her entire life! This has caused her and her husband to reduce their sugar intake somewhat. Donna then reviews some info from Episode 30 about the hunger hormone ghrelin, including where and how it is released. Next, she describes the food control that IF provides in general, including regulating blood sugar and insulin, healing the gut, providing more pronounced leptin signals, and more.
Donna moves into some tips on controlling ghrelin next. She describes the following: how ghrelin comes in waves and how to overcome those waves; foods and drinks that ghrelin works well with and doesn’t work well with; the effect of water (including mineral water and sparkling water) on ghrelin; stomach distensibility, fiber, and fruit; clock hunger; sleep; mineral balance; and more! Finally, Donna touches on foods that have an effect on satiety/hunger/ cravings, including protein, fat, and fiber. This episode is sponsored by Plexus’ ProBio 5—a three in one product that aids in gut health, digestion, breaking down bad bacteria such as candida/yeast overgrowth, and much more. (more…)
In this broadcast, Donna Reish (IF blogger, curriculum author, and course creator) gives her and her husband’s seven month IF update (70 pounds between the two of them and many sizes!). She describes their OMAD/3 (One Meal a Day divided into three parts—SED—Snack/Entrée/Dessert) as well as how they open their eating window. Donna then briefly reviews last week’s info on 7 Ways to Lose Weight Faster With Intermittent Fasting (fasting longer, OMAD/3, Fasting Spectrum, reducing carbs somewhat, keto diet, exercise, and counting calories). She moves into more weight loss helps and tips and describes the effect of each one on the Intermittent Faster: drinking coffee, sleeping longer/better, consuming water, keeping truly busy, taking 5 HTP, and filling the stomach with fiber! Donna’s sponsor today is her beloved Accelerator—with caffeine, 5HTP, yerbe mate (appetite suppressant), and more!
In this episode, Donna Reish, author of “Fasting Inferno” Youtube parody and Intermittent Fasting blogger, describes her fasting experience five months in with a forty pound weight loss, one jean size reduction, and more. She describes her twenty hour fasting period each day and OMAD/3–One Meal a Day divided into three parts. She happily describes her husband’s four months of IF with an average of 21 fasting hours a day and forty pound loss. Listener Lessons this week focus on “How IF Works WITH Your Body”! Amazing things happen to our body—things that we always wanted to have happen or be able to carry out on our own but were unable to. However, with Daily IF, these things happen naturally. These include fat adaption, forcing the body to release fat each day/going into ketosis through IF. (We go into it 20 fold more frequently with IF!) Human Growth Hormone is released—with tremendous benefits, including vibrancy, energy, balancing cortisol, and more! Insulin sensitivity works in our favor with IF! No energy crashes and no uncontrollable cravings! The hunger hormone, Ghrelin, is brought under control with IF. And finally, Appetite Correction (AC) is achieved—so we are able to control emotional eating, binge eating, overeating, and more. Daily IF does for our bodies what we always wanted to do ourselves but were not able to since these hormones were controlling us negatively. How cool is that?
Wow! Another Mama off the Couch After Ten Years! Here’s Jenny’s adrenal fatigue testimony!
“I believe it is a duty as a Christian to mark significant moments in our lives and give God the glory of His might works. And today is just that for me…Today marks one year since the Lord put me on a healing journey and laid an amazing home business helping others in my lap! In thankfulness to God I will post my story…
“Something is wrong. I just can’t do it anymore!” How many times over the years have I said this to my husband while sitting in a crumpled heap of tears. Adrenal fatigue had gripped me strongly and I didn’t understand why. To do the most mundane of tasks was becoming difficult and I was not able to be the energetic, diligent mommy that I so desired to be.
I have struggled for over 15 years with my health, beginning with the removal of my right kidney in 1999. My second born was only 6 weeks old. But, it was after the birth of my fourth child that it was apparent something was really wrong with me.
I was not bouncing back from having my baby, had NO energy and depression began to creep in. Enter several years of searching and attempting many different things in hopes of feeling better.
I have been to regular MDs, natural doctors, pharmacists, chiropractors, therapists, nutritionists and psychiatrists. And I have done a lot of research.
Thyroid medication, bioidentical hormones, bloodwork, cleanses, heavy metal detoxing, supplements, and herbs. I have had help from many of these things for awhile but have always ended up back in the same place.
I finally ended up on prescription medications a few years ago after another major crash following a miscarriage. The medication was a huge blessing! The depression that had been limited to my first trimester in pregnancies now was extending even between pregnancies.
For a few years those medications were truly God’s gift to me as my chemicals were imbalanced within my brain. Over the last couple years though like before, I was having more and more difficulty.
I tried once again to seek for answers for my unremitting fatigue and the horrible depression that came with it. The mental fog and lethargy was debilitating.
I went back into get another hormone panel done because I just couldn’t do it on my own anymore. My hormone results showed my cortisol at almost nothing in the morning when it should be at its highest.
I was a mess. In fact, when I got my bioidentical hormones from the pharmacist several days later I was a blubbering mess at the pharmacy counter. I could barely think straight or speak without breaking down.
The supplements he put me on and the progesterone did help. But over time it still wasn’t enough. I was able to do less and less, spending more time in the bed and on the couch and my depression got worse and worse.
My brain spiraled with negative, overwhelming thoughts. I felt a failure towards my family and towards the Lord. All I could do was continue to pray for the Lord to uphold me in the fog, fatigue and darkness.
Finally, my mom and husband realized they needed to do something before I ended up needing hospitalization. They put me on a nearly 6 week sabbatical. And when I say sabbatical, I mean it. I was upstairs where my room was like a suite. No children came in except by permission and then they had to speak very, very softly. (I had gotten to where my body responded with stress at even the sight of the children). It was to be as quiet and silent as I needed it to be. I was brought healthy meals and restful teas. I was not allowed to research my illness (which I kinda broke the rules at some points smile emoticon ) No thoughts about any responsibilities. I was told to do all things that brought me enjoyment and quietness inside. Walks, puzzles, soft music, movies, reading, writing…The relief was immense! My whole body was in such a fight or flight mode that to completely be given full, extended rest was tremendous.
I went back into the doctor who put me on welbutrin to boost my lexipro that didn’t seem to be working. This helped for a time and I seemed to bounce back. But I still wasn’t where I wanted to be.
After a month the dr. bumped up my welbutrin dose again. Again I experienced some relief but dipped again. Then he tried me on some pharmaceutical folic acid. Many people had seem great results. Not me. I was beginning to wonder if depression was the something the Lord would have me be content with for the rest of my life.
It was apparent that I had to make some life changes. I had to simplify as much as possible, streamlining my life. I no longer could homeschool my 8 children (17 down to 2), needed basic household chores taken care of by others and have as much quiet as possible. My dear husband arranged his work hours so he could continue schooling our children. He is and has always been my hero.
By this time I had learned about Plexus from my friend Jen. I was skeptical and just watched for awhile. It was one of those “too good to be true” things. I, mean how did Plexus work? But, I hadn’t given up trying. I was learning with myself that I had to try one thing at a time slowly when I made any changes. Someone had also told me about another nutritional program that had helped so many, so I tried that for a month. I wasn’t impressed.
Finally around Thanksgiving time I decided to give Plexus a try…
As I mentioned before, my friend Jen had shared with me about Plexus. She had adrenal fatigue like me. Through the Lord’s blessing of Plexus she had gone from being bedridden to gaining strength daily. I watched her awhile on facebook wanting to believe her, but hesitant.
But, then I decided with the 60 day guarantee it was time to give it a try.
My husband was so skeptical he just wanted us to buy retail for a bit. He needed proof how it worked. (Yes, he is an engineer!)
The first week, I had a good week but thought it might just have been coincidence.
The second week, was good but I was planning a trip so there were situational things that could have boosted me.
The third week we were out of town. I always end up at least once during that week in a crumpled mess of exhaustion needing a recharge, but this time it didn’t happen. I also was noticing I could confront stress more rationally and calmly.
When we got home, I thought I would surely experience a fatigue crash. Well, I was tired as anyone would be, but as I was unpacking I started cleaning out my closet!
Pretty soon my husband was calling me things like “Miss Plexus” when he would notice how different I was in my responses, in my energy, in my ability to handle stress and in my general happiness.
In short, my brain began to wake up again. Instead of being in the mental fog and haze of overwhelmingness feeling like a failure at every turn, I began to be able to encourage myself, take problems on rather than shrinking back.
I could attempt to make decisions again and I look forward to my days. This was HUGE! I cannot tell you how happy we were!
After a couple months of the Tri-Plex, I could say that for the first time in a long while I had hope again! My deep depression, mental fog, trouble with decisions, overwhelmed mental status, was almost gone!
The life sucking fatigue was heading in the directions of going into more normal tiredness range. I was excited!
I still have a long way to go. When you have the severity of adrenal fatigue that I had healing does not happen overnight. But, I am excited about the Plexus products. The more I researched the more I am so impressed.
I feel as though I am giving my whole body help. I have stopped some of my other supplements and am weaning back on my medications.
The more I learn about how Plexus products work in our bodies, I am understanding how plexus can be helping so many different ailments and illnesses. Here is just a short list of some of the illnesses people are experiencing.
IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Blood Sugar Issues, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Chronic Pain, Thyroid issues, Lyme Disease, Lupus, Allergies, Diabeties, Eczema, Sleep issues, Depression, High Cholesterol, Weight issues and the list goes on.
In another post I address the question…So, how does Plexus work? One set of products for so many things?! Yes, it’s true!
So what kind of health issues could Plexus help you with? There are three ways to order, so are you ready to begin your Plexus journey?
I am so thankful to the Lord and am now passionate about helping others like myself.
The Lord is using Plexus to help many families become financially free as well. I love to see all the homeschool moms that are enjoying a home business through helping others like me! I would love to help you get started experiencing a regaining of your energy, health and ability to serve your Lord, your home and your family!
And because of how blessed I have been through these products, I have become a Plexus Worldwide Ambassador! I get to share with others and help them work on their health issues all from the comfort of my home (and sometimes in my PJ’s ….. will you join me and many other homeschool moms? You won’t believe how easy and fun it is!”
Wow! Helping people live their lives again–I have an amazing “job”!