by Donna Reish

Welcome to Week 9/Episode 9 of the Daily IF Journal! I am grateful that you have joined me for a peek into my journey–and hope that my words and teaching can be a great help and encouragement to you! Please subscribe at the blog, for ongoing healthy teaching, join us in the FB Group for daily support and teaching, AND subscribe to me on Youtube and Itunes so you don’t miss a video or audio! Blessings on your Daily IF Journey. Let me know how I can help you!
by Donna Reish

In Week 8 of The Intermittent Fasting Journal podcast/video, Donna Reish, blogger and “Fasting Inferno” parody writer, describes her eighth week of Daily IF, including 20 hour fasting window, weight loss . spite of vacations and holidays, how much easier IF is than her previous 40 years of dieting (!), and more. She details, using Dr. Jason Fung’s refrigerator and freezer examples, how the body burns its own fat stores through I, the importance of a clean fasting window, and how to make your body crave healthier foods. She also teaches about the book, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, and applies his self-talk approaches to Daily IF–including self-talk, self-write, self-conversation, and even self-sing.
by Donna Reish

Donna Reish, author of “Fasting Inferno” parody on YouTube, describes her seventh week of Daily Intermittent Fasting in this video/podcast. Donna describes her 19 hour daily fasting windows, adapting Daily IF to holidays and special days, using an app for tracking fasting hours (and for motivation!), and much more. She details four techniques that she uses to keep motivation during the fasting window: (1) Looking at/calculating with an app; (2) Performing physical actions of closing, opening, and locking a window; (3) Tooth brushing; and (4) Changing food associations with verbal cues. Donna continues in her “what I learned” section to teach listeners how to divide the OMAD (one meal a day) eating window into three parts for more self control and how to experience Appetite Correction. Donna also introduces her “Fasting Inferno” song in this episode!
by Donna Reish

Episode 5 of The Intermittent Fasting Journal! That means I am five weeks in to IF! I am loving it–as you will be able to tell from this episode!
I am learning so many things–and I am growing as a person through the empowerment that I experience from the fasting window. And I love getting past the twelve hour mark and onto the sixteen hour mark–and knowing that my body is burning its own fat. So exciting!