Think-Feel-Eat #20: Tools for Self-Integrity (Part II of II)

Think-Feel-Eat #20: Tools for Self-Integrity (Part II of II)

Hi! I’m Donna Reish, IF teacher, weight loss coach, blogger, and half of “The Minus 220 Pound Pair” as my husband and I have lost over 220 pounds together (160 of that in the past couple of years through the Weight Loss Lifestyle habits and strategies I teach!). 

Self-Integrity is at the basis of every change we want in our lives—physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, productively….it is the core to why we don’t do what we say we will do—and why we do, do what we say we will do!

Most of us call self-integrity by another name: willpower. We think we just don’t have the willpower to do what we tell ourselves we will do.

And there’s some truth to the fact that we often don’t have the willpower to carry out what we say we will do….but willpower isn’t the only cause of our self-integrity lack.

Last week, in Episode #19 of Think-Feel-Eat, I described a few enemies of self-integrity (what we make past failures mean; perfectionism; not breaking things down {habit formation skills lacking}; relying on willpower; and not deciding ahead of time).

(For more understanding of willpower, see my Weight Loss Lifestyle broadcasts #60 and #61.)

In this week’s episode, I bring good news! Tools!

Tools we can use in our lives and skills we can develop to become the kind of person is filled with self-integrity—the kind of person who does what we say we will do. Yay us!
These tools counteract the enemies of self-integrity and put us on the path to food control, business growth, daily disciplines, relationship nurturing, and much more.
I present a few general tools like Thought Work, sleep, automaticity, and craving reducers.

Then I have created a derivative of BJ Fogg’s (Tiny Habits) ABC’s of Habit Formation by combining his ABC, my experience with attachments and minimum baselines through homeschooling for thirty-two years, and an early teacher (Gregg Harris) in the homeschooling world’s Attachment Approach (Fogg calls this Anchor). This tool works—and I am so excited to present it to you!


20 Self Integrity Part II of II (Tools for Self Integrity—Including the ABC Approach!)

A. Review Why We Don’t Do What We Tell Ourselves We Will Do

1. Past failures—what we make them mean
2. Perfectionism
3. Not breaking things down (habit formation)
4. Relying on willpower (Weight Loss Lifestyle 60 and 61)
5. Not deciding ahead of time (today’s tools will help this!)

B. Misc. Tools That Will Make a Difference!

1. Thoughts (Perfect Storm #7)
2. Sleep can refill willpower stores (Weight Loss Lifestyle 42)
3. Automaticity

a. Schedules
b. Repeating same foods

4. Reducing cravings

a. TFE 7, 8, and 9
b. Extend the time between super seductive foods

C. The ABC’s of Self-Integrity

1. Three little steps that the above enemies of self-integrity often diminish
2. Questions/ABC aspect from BJ Fogg Tiny Habits book
3. My introduction to the first two steps from Gregg Harris in The Advanced Homeschooling Workshop
4. The C—Celebration

a. Many used to say that this was actually “Consequences”—the outcome of doing A and B.
b. Researchers now believe that it isn’t the outcome that drives us to create habits and to stay in self integrity
c. We are driven to change behaviors through Feelings

i. Celebration (step three) intensifies and emphasizes positive feelings related to our self integrity
ii. Celebration gives us a built in opportunity to feel the feeling that will help us to continue to build that habit/be in self integrity


D. Get More Help!

1. The Perfect Storm of Weight Loss teaches the steps to create your own protocol and bring together all aspects of weight loss
2. Willpower Part I and II
4. Sign up for a free consult call to see if weigh/time management/life coaching with me would help you meet your goals!
5. Pick-a-Protocol 16, 17, and 18

Think-Feel-Eat Episode #19: Self-Integrity I of II (Why We Don’t Do What We Tell Ourselves We Will Do!)

Think-Feel-Eat Episode #19: Self-Integrity I of II (Why We Don’t Do What We Tell Ourselves We Will Do!)

Hi! I’m Donna Reish, IF teacher, weight loss coach, blogger, and half of “The Minus 220 Pound Pair” as my husband and I have lost over 220 pounds together (160 of that in the past couple of years through the Weight Loss Lifestyle habits and strategies I teach!).

The next two episodes’ contents have been life changing for me! And I am happy to present them to you to help you change your life as well.

Not doing what we tell ourselves we will do is probably the greatest thief of our dreams and future life. And yet we do that over and over—and then scratch our heads in bewilderment as to why we don’t do what we tell ourselves we will do.

Come to find out, it isn’t our fault.

In Episode 19 of Think-Feel-Eat, I present several enemies of self-integrity. The bare bones of why we don’t do what we tell ourselves we will do.

(See Weight Loss Lifestyle #60 and #61 for my two Willpower Episodes….super empowering to know why we don’t have the willpower we think we should!)

These range from trusting willpower to get us through to being too vague to waiting until we are in the moment (and using our toddler brains to guide us!).

The good news is that all of these are over-come-able!

We can have self-integrity. And when we do, it will change our lives!

Self-integrity will change our size, weight, health, muscles, food, time management, relationships, home care, self care, work, and more!

As always, I have a full, detailed outline, an audio, and a video version. Start gaining self-integrity today!

Find all of my episodes, outlines, and articles for my two weekly broadcasts:

(1)  Weight Loss Lifestyle broadcast (formerly Donna’s Intermittent Fasting Broadcast)

(2)  Think-Feel-Eat broadcast 

Sign up for my free webinar:

TFE 19 Outline Self Integrity Part I of II (Why We Don’t Keep Our Word to Ourselves)

A. Defining and Understanding Self-Integrity

1. Definition: the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruently aligned with your own values and goals.  It requires a commitment to align ourselves to stay consistent with personal values so that we do what we tell ourselves we will do.

2. Difficult because we are not answering to anyone but ourselves

3. Event people who are amazing in integrity with others often are not with themselves.

4.  Self Integrity covers every area of our lives!!

a. Weight

b. Drugs/alcohol/nicotine

c. Pornography

d. Business/scheduling work

e. Family

f. Marriage

g. Shopping

B. Enemies of Self-Integrity

1. Thoughts about our past failures/Negative Self Talk

a. Thoughts about our past failures

i.  When we bring in our past inconsistencies and lack of self-integrity, we can’t move into self integrity even with tools.

ii.  Thoughts and words spoken like “I never do what I say I will do” or “I’ll probably just skip things this time too” or “I can never stay on an eating protocol, so I will probably do that again” will keep us from moving forward even if we do have the tools and the understanding of the processWords/thoughts about the hiddenness of self-integrity

b. Words/thoughts about the hiddenness of self-integrity

i. Nobody will know

ii. Must get to where we want to do it for us—that even if we were the only ones who know, we still want to do it

iii.  In the meantime, we have to believe that when we don’t do what we say, it does matter (health, weight, income, time, etc)—that this thing I said I would do but now don’t want to do will truly affect me.

iv. Better Thought: My past self made this great plan for my current self!

 2. Perfectionism

a.  “Believing your life would be better if you were perfect and thus, should strive for that”

b.  The way we deal with unmet perfectionism is to give up entirely—if we can’t do it perfectly, we just won’t do it.

c.  It is common sense that five minutes of exercise is better than nothing or that staying on a protocol 75% of the time is better than not at all, but when we are stuck in perfectionism, we can’t think that through

d.  Creates a vicious cycle: tomorrow I will do it perfectly; then we don’t; we beat ourselves up/belittle ourselves; we get relief by planning to d it perfectly the next time; rinse and repeat.

e. Perfectionism will be the biggest roadblock to our using the ABC tool by Fogg/Harris

f.  A change a month yielded 360 changes for us over a 30+ year period of time!!!


3. Not breaking goals down/biting off too much 

a. Often related to perfectionism

b. Sometimes we can’t see the little steps it takes to get to a big goal

c. Other times the little steps do not feel like they will get us there

d.  We believe we should “play big or go home”

e. My bladder exercises—break it down because didn’t see how I could add another thing to my day.

4. Relying on willpower

a. When we don’t plan ahead and make decisions ahead of time, we leave the weight of any changes in our lives (or any self integrity issues) on the part of the brain that is ill-equipped to make those decisions and carry out the goals in our life

b.  The amount, type, and intensity of willpower that is needed to do some things for some people are nearly impossible to override/sustain

c.  Research shows we spend four hours per day resisting temptations

d.  We have a willpower gap—the number of instances we need willpower is greater than the amount of willpower we have in any given day

e. See Weight Loss Lifestyles Episodes 60 and 61 for extensive willpower teaching.

5. Not planning/deciding ahead of time

a. Prefrontal cortex vs. toddler brain

b.  Decision making processes are those done ahead, not in the moment

c.  In the moment relies on willpower, which we are often short of

C. Get More Help!

1. The Perfect Storm of Weight Loss teaches the steps to create your own protocol and bring together all aspects of weight loss

2.  Willpower Part I and II 

3. Sign up for a free consult call to see if weight/time management/life coaching with me would help you meet your goals!


Broadcast #60 – The Problem With Relying on Willpower Part I of II

Broadcast #60 – The Problem With Relying on Willpower Part I of II

Why don’t I have more willpower?

Why can’t I just be stronger around food?

Why does food seem to control me?

These were questions that I have asked myself for over forty years!
So imagine my joy in discovering that the “lack of willpower” really wasn’t my fault…

And that research shows that trying to rely on it as our main means of controlling food urges simply doesn’t work.
So here is the scoop!!! It’s a long broadcast (and it’s only Part I of II!)…but if you are like I was…you NEED this info!

Like always, you can watch it at the blog below or on YouTube or just listen to it at the podcast! Easy peasy!

Also like always…detailed outline below…you need this info!

A. Relying on Will Power

1. How we rely on willpower

a. Making a plan, buying food, cleaning out, exercise program, etc. –1)
b. Relying on will power to keep plan in place
c. Leaves the weight of the changes on the part of the brain that is ill-equipped to make those decisions and carry the burden of saying no

2. What is willpower?

a. One definition: Overriding a feeling in order to act in a way that is different than you feel like acting
b. Discovered in 1988 to actually be a thing

3. Why we couldn’t conquer our food habits that made us obese with willpower

a. We used to wonder, like so many others, why we could have the self discipline and willpower to do things—raise children, work well in a job, create a nice home, develop habits and skills
b. But why couldn’t we (and so many people) apply those same self-regulating behaviors to lose weight and keep it off?
c. We didn’t know that the amount, type, and intensity of WILLPOWER needed to lose weight were nearly impossible to sustain when it comes to food urges.


B. Willpower Doesn’t Work Long Term (or Sometimes Even Short Term)

1) Radish experiment:

a. Come missing a meal
b. Chocolate chip cookies being piped in
c. Bowl of chocolate chip cookies and bowl of cleaned radishes
d. Told to eat in one of three ways

i. Couple of chocolate chip cookies (or just chocolate alone)
ii. A couple of radishes
iii. Nothing

e. Outcome

i. People who ate radishes, resisted cookies/chocolate could only do 8 minutes of puzzles
ii. People who were allowed to eat cookies could do 20 minutes of puzzles
f. Making decisions, monitoring emotions, keeping task performance high (few errors)
i. All of these things seem different but they’re all the same as resisting temptations
ii. They all need willpower; they all leave us in willpower depletion

2) Research with beepers

a) Beeped and asked over 400 people if they were resisting temptation at that moment or previous 15 minutes
b) Found that we spend four hours per day resisting temptations
3) Other experiments (M and M’s on table vs across the room—barriers!) and how much “brain power” they had left for intense tasks
4) Brian Wansink (researcher) has shown that we make 119 food-related decisions each day


C. We Have a Willpower Gap

1.Willpower gap means that we don’t have enough willpower left to overcome the urges that we are presented with
2.Willpower drains and depletes from all kinds of decisions and actions
4. It takes willpower to resist (or sit with) over hunger and over desire

a. Over hunger—hunger signals, grehlin tells us we are empty; leptin tells us we are full
b. Over desire—processed foods, frequent eating, sugar and flour concentrations, not real foods all lead to overdesire due to neuro transmitters in the brain that tell us we want more and more of those things each time we have them (dopamine and serotonin)


D. Ways We Handle Willpower Ineffectively

1. Eat many small meals and snacks

a. Research #1

i. Had morbidly obese people go on fixed calorie diet divided into either three meals a day or six meals a day
ii. No difference in weight loss
iii. No difference in health, adherence, etc.

b. Research #2

i. Closed chamber measuring carbon dioxide and oxygen
ii. Over three days people ate either three meals a day or six meals a day, completely standardized
iii. No difference in metabolism for three vs. six meals a day

c. Many small meals and snacks work against the body’s hormones

i. Insulin is kept high, so we don’t hear leptin signals tell us that we are full and need to move around
ii. Leptin is low when insulin is high
iii. We never give ourselves a chance to get hungry—so we become accustomed to not hearing grehlin tell us that we are full

2. “White knuckling” and “resisting” will get us through urges

a. Research, personal experience, and observations all show us this isn’t true
b. We simply run out of willpower to continue without intervening with our hormones, changing our thinking, and building habits (spoiler warning for next week!)
c. Like holding the beach ball under the water—eventually we have to release it
d. Not having enough willpower is also draining because of the shame and judgement we put upon ourselves when we run out of it and give in to urges

3. Eating whatever we want but counting will get us to our goals

a. Some people do need to count because they have no idea the huge amounts of food they are truly eating
b. But eating whatever we want and counting doesn’t work

i. Not enough “calories” for six times a day (“nibbles”)
ii. Eating highly palatable foods will spike dopamine repeatedly—this is why we can stop at one apple but we can’t stop at one cookie
iii. “Whatever we want” is so calorie dense that if we are counting, we will only be able to eat a few things a day—like one donut, one large shake, and a Big Mac take all the calories/fuel we have available for a day for most women!


E. Love to help others solve this critical weight loss mistake!

1. Some simple tweaks in when we eat, what we eat, and how many times we eat each day can completely change the brainpower/willpower issues!
2. Some simple tweaks in when we eat, what we eat, and how many times we eat each day can completely change the hormonal issues that keep us craving, over hungry, and giving in to urges!
3. I’d love to teach others how to practice Intermittent Fasting so we can help our brain and your body work FOR us rather than AGAINST us!
4. Sign up for my month-long Intermittent Fasting course—the first Monday of next month! 

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