Think-Feel-Eat Episode #7: Urges and Feeling Feelings!

Think-Feel-Eat Episode #7: Urges and Feeling Feelings!

Hi! I’m Donna Reish, IF teacher, weight loss coach, blogger, and half of “The Minus 220 Pound Pair” as my husband and I have lost over 200 pounds together (160 of that in the past couple of years through the Weight Loss Lifestyle habits and strategies I teach!). In this episode, I present Part I of two parts about Urges and Feeling Feelings—really good stuff!

This episode digs into what Urges are. This is super important because if we don’t identify any time we want to do anything off plan or schedule, we are having an urge, we won’t be able to tackle them head on.


Specifically, I teach about how food urges are any of those times that we want to eat something that is

(1) a type that isn’t on our plan for that day;

(2) an amount that isn’t on our plan that day;

(3) a time that isn’t on our plan that day.

This assumes that we have a plan in place (time plan with some form of time restricted eating and food plan with any boundaries we choose—food types, calorie counting, low carb, low fat, counting macros—whatever your plan might be).

(Are you fasting? Free webinar!

Once those are in place, we delve into what urges are and how they feel in our bodies—and what drives them.

Next, I go into one of the biggest factors in handling our urges—deciding ahead of time, using our pre-frontal cortext (rather than our “toddler brain”). We can’t count on willpower or good intentions in the moment of urges. We must plan ahead to overcome them.

Lots more valuable info that will set us up for next week when we look at four responses to urges and how to get to the point where we have fewer urges rather than always trying to battle urges.

Find all of my episodes, outlines, and articles for my two weekly broadcasts:

(1) Weight Loss Lifestyle broadcast (formerly Donna’s Intermittent Fasting Broadcast) and

(2) Think-Feel-Eat broadcast at

Sign up for my free webinar:

Outline below!

1. Alarm at First Assembly

A. What Are Urges?

1. Any time we have a desire to eat….

a. At a time we didn’t determine we would eat
b. A food that we didn’t plan to eat
c. An amount that we didn’t plan to eat

2. We can’t overcome urges if we don’t have protocols in place that show when something is an urge

a. Are you eating when you’re not scheduled to? (Not really sure…can’t know it’s an urge.)
b. Are you eating a food you’re not scheduled to eat? (Not really sure….can’t know it’s an urge.)
c. Are you eating an amount that is not planned? (Not really sure…can’t know it’s an urge.)

3. Create a Tomorrow Real-for-Me Plan! (more later…)

a. Exact foods
b. Exact amounts
c. Exact times
See more about this in Episode 53 here

B. What Is Overriding Urges?

1. Over-riding our primitive brain is how we overcome urges—and this makes us uncomfortable…very hard to do as our brain wants us to pursue and maintain comfort.

a. Overcoming urges is feeling feelings that we don’t want to feel
b. It is deciding you don’t mind living with the anxiety or the restlessness or the deprivation that you will feel when you don’t give in to urges

2. Buffering with food

a. We buffer our feelings with food when we don’t want to feel them
b. This buffering involves giving in to urges of all kinds (food, pleasures, etc.—all of it feels better than the feelings we don’t want to have)

C. Why is overcoming urges so hard?

1. Urge is an emotion that is intensely driving actions

a. Urges are urgent…urging us to take action immediately
b. Food urges feel urgent
c. Food urges are driven by the need for reward, pleasure, and comfort

2. Nothing wrong with us for having urges…

a. Having desire for pleasure is what we are created to do
b. But overriding it is a process of feeling emotions but not giving in to those emotions
c. The point of junk food is to make us want them
d. (The point of all food is to make us want it)
e. You are a human with a very complex brain that drives urges for us to stay alive—dopamine spike—super important, eat more of it, you need this…fees like life and death

3. We have choices in Think-Feel-Eat…. TFE #6

a. We can make a choice with our pre-frontal cortex rather than our toddler/primitive brain
b. It will feel super powerful but we have to give consent; we don’t have to give in
c. The urge gives us vibrations in our body (feelings)….we have to stop it in the thought…and that usually can’t be done long term unless we do it ahead of time
d. Using willpower, distractions, barriers, etc., can help…but not forever and not as well as using our pre-frontal cortex (deciding ahead of time, creating Thought practices, etc.)—Episodes #60 and #61
e. Using pre frontal cortex ahead of time is better and more long term than fighting against it

Think-Feel-Eat Episode #6: Donna’s February Thought Work—and How to Get Your Thought Work Started

Think-Feel-Eat Episode #6: Donna’s February Thought Work—and How to Get Your Thought Work Started

This episode digs into what Thought Work is and how to set yourself up to implement ongoing Thought Work for weight loss or any goals you have.

It begins with the differences in Thoughts (and Beliefs—and how Beliefs are more difficult to control than simple, fleeting Thoughts), Feelings, and Actions. And then delves into the interrelationship among the three and how we can manage our Thoughts if we do it on purpose and with a dependable framework, such as Think-Feel-Act or Brooke Castillo’s Self-Coaching Model or both.

I dig into some General How To’s for personal Thought Work, including a framework, calendaring it, keeping it simple, being in self-integrity by making small, tiny, atomic habits (Fogg, Clear). I describe how perfection will hold us back from managing our minds and changing our lives.

I introduce my downloadable Think-Feel-Act worksheet for listeners to print off in multiples and use for consistent Thought Work. The top of this sheet has a Thought Drops section to “download” or “drop” all of your Thoughts. The bottom half has the Thought-Feel-Actions section. I detail how to use this sheet.

Then I use some of my February Thought Work to show you how to do the Thought Drops and how to choose which single Thought to work on for that day. I plug my sample Thought into the “Unintentional” side (or the unmanaged side) and show how that Thought leads to a Feeling of defeat and actions that do not serve me in my weight loss.

Then I show my new Thought (a believable one) and how to follow that through the Think-Feel-Eat cycle.

I. REVIEW Thought-Feeling-Actions

Get your handout for today’s material (and print it off and fill it in—you can change your thoughts!)

A. Beliefs

1. But a belief is just a Thought that we have thought over and over and over again

a. Cinderella—“A dream is a wish your heart makes…when you’re fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches…whatever you wish for you keep.”
b. “A Belief is a Thought your mind thinks…over and over again. Change Thoughts, you will change your Beliefs too…with new Thoughts you’re sure to win!”

2. When we think something over and over, it goes from a thought to a pattern from a pattern to a belief
3. Beliefs are hard to shake—new path through the woods—one that takes us not back to where we are now, but to where we really want to go.

B. Thoughts Lead to Feelings

1. What we think about anything leads us to a feeling about it
2. Understand that Thoughts are just Thoughts—they are optional and we choose to Think them—and we can gain control over them if we do the work necessary
3. Feelings are basically why we do everything—so controlling the Thoughts that lead to Feelings is super important

 C. All of our actions come from Feelings (Which came from Thoughts)

 1. If we want to change a behavior, we have to change how we feel and how we think
2. We can’t just will ourselves to a new action

Get all freebies and downloads at the website for the Think-Feel-Eat episodes!

 II. Daily Thought Work

A. General How To’s

1. Framework—

a. Journal
b. Pages from
c. Think-Feel-Act sheets
d. OR Brooke Castillo’s Self-Coaching Model sheets (also at dr)

2. Calendar it—and make it doable

a. Put it in your calendar at a time you will do it
b. Don’t overextend yourself
c. Plan for 15-30 minutes a few times a week

3. Don’t aim for perfection

a. Doesn’t have to be perfect
b. It is for you
c. You get better and better at it as you go

B. Start With Thought Drops

1. Also called Thought downloads
2. Can be all about a certain topic
3. Can be random
4. Don’t use a question for your thought drops; make it into a statement so your brain doesn’t have to be working on an answer at the same time as you are creating your Thought Drops.

 C. Once you have a good list of Thoughts, plug one in

1. One thought at a time
2. Don’t confuse Circumstances with Thoughts

 D. Think-Feel-Act Worksheet or CTFAR (from Brooke Castillo)

 1. Notice how I chose ONE thought only to do my Thought Work on
2. Plug in that Thought in your Unintentional column—this is what you are now thinking when you don’t manage your mind or you don’t get control of your thoughts
3. Ask yourself how that Thought makes you feel
4. Then create a list of Activities/Actions you are now taking as a result of that Thought and Feeling
5. Then move to the Intentional—if you manage your mind, how can you change that Thought to something that is believable that will help you get a Feeling that gives the Actions you want?
6. What Feeling does that new Thought give you?
7. What Actions will you likely take as a result of that new Thought and Feeling
8. Yay you!

Check out Episode #1 of Think-Feel-Eat for a thorough broadcast detailing this process

Think-Feel-Eat #5: Brain Hacks vs. Thought Work–and How Both Can Help Us With Weight Management

Think-Feel-Eat #5: Brain Hacks vs. Thought Work–and How Both Can Help Us With Weight Management

Hack your kitchen pantry system!
Hack your bedroom closet organizing!
Hack your vegetable cleaning and storage!
Hack your vacation planning!
And hack your brain?
Yep…it’s a real thing. And it is super powerful….and multi-faceted.
To me, brain hacks are like shorter, faster ways to do Thought Work.
And yet, Thought Work is one of the best things in the world to manage our brain–to rein it in and get it under control when it wants to be wild on us!
This broadcast/podcast focuses on both–Brain Hacks and Thought Work.
They have so many things in common:
Both are used to optimize brain function.
Both are used to interrupt negative thought processes.
Both utilize the fact that the brain can run away with itself if not controlled!
I’m excited to teach you how to use both!
Thanks for joining me!
Outline, video & podcast below!
I want so many good things for you!

P.S. Want more of my teacherish ways? Time for course sign up for next month! Use SAVE20 to get 20% off:

A. What is the Think-Feel-Act cycle?

a. Sixty thousand thoughts a day
b. All feelings stem from thoughts—while we can’t just “get happy” or “feel excited,” we can change our thoughts, which will affect our feelings
c. All of our Actions are done from Feelings (and indirectly Thoughts)

B. What are thoughts?

1. What are thoughts—Sentences in your mind.
2. What are beliefs—Thoughts you think over and over again.
3. Power of Positive Thinking oftentimes means that beliefs/thoughts lead to results/outcome.

a. We know this isn’t true or we could win the lottery, think a new car in the driveway, etc.
b. Thoughts to not lead to outcomes—even good thoughts.

4. Beliefs/Thoughts over and over do not lead to results.

(Free webinar next week!


C. How does Think-Feel-Act differ from the Power of Positive Thinking?

1. What does give results—Action!
2. This is where we can use “power of positive thinking”—not to get what we want, but to help us DO what we need to DO!
3. Thoughts do not give results—Thoughts give actions!!!!
4. We do what we think about…

a. Why someone says “I’ve been thinking about this over and over and…..”
b. Why when we hear a motivational speaker and think about it, review our notes, talk about it, etc., we start acting.
c. Why it’s important to surround our kids with good things to think about—their peers are HUGE in what they think and thus what they act on.

D. We can Think ourselves to Action

1. So….we can’t think our way to success.
2. But we CAN think our way to actions!

a. Thoughts lead to actions
b. Actions lead to results

E. How does Think-Feel-EAT help with weight loss goals?

1. You don’t just think “I can lose weight” and then lose it!
2. Your BELIEVABLE Thoughts give you Feelings
3. And those Feelings lead to productive Actions
4. Rinse and repeat….

F. Learn more!

1. Episode 1 of Think-Feel-Eat…an Introduction to the Think-Feel-Act cycle (important first broadcast in the series!)

a. Video 
b. Podcast

2. Subscribe to blog
3. Subscribe to podcast
4. New Intermittent Fasting Course session begins the first Monday of each month!

Does “The Power of Positive Thinking” Work–and How Does Think-Feel-Act Differ From It? (Think-Feel-Eat Episode #4)

Does “The Power of Positive Thinking” Work–and How Does Think-Feel-Act Differ From It? (Think-Feel-Eat Episode #4)

I have a little song that I like to sing to myself (you might only know the tune if you’re, um…pretty “mature” lol). It’s to the tune of “Catch a Falling Star and Put It In Your Pocket”!

“Catch a helpful thought and put it in your pocket…

Never let it fade away.
Catch a helpful thought and put it in your pocket…

Think it all throughout the day!”

So what about those helpful thoughts?

Do they lead to a Result–as in we think them, and then we click our heels together and have what we Thought about?

This is how I always viewed “the power of positive thinking.”

Then I discovered the Think-Feel-Act cycle…and I realized that Thoughts lead to Feelings….and they both lead to Actions….not a Result.

I don’t get a Result until I take Actions.

This is great news….

Because all of the time that we don’t carry out the Actions that we want to….all the times that we don’t get the Results that we want…

We can go right back to Thoughts.

And Thoughts are optional.
Thoughts are changeable.
Thoughts are manageable.
Such good news!

Outline below!

And the video is below!

Or listen on iTunes (link below)!

I want so many good things for you!

A. What is the Think-Feel-Act cycle?

a. Sixty thousand thoughts a day
b. All feelings stem from thoughts—while we can’t just “get happy” or “feel excited,” we can change our thoughts, which will affect our feelings
c. All of our Actions are done from Feelings (and indirectly Thoughts)


B. What are thoughts?

1. What are thoughts—Sentences in your mind.
2. What are beliefs—Thoughts you think over and over again.
3. Power of Positive Thinking oftentimes means that beliefs/thoughts lead to results/outcome.

a. We know this isn’t true or we could win the lottery, think a new car in the driveway, etc.
b. Thoughts to not lead to outcomes—even good thoughts.

4. Beliefs/Thoughts over and over do not lead to results.

(Free webinar next week!


C. How does Think-Feel-Act differ from the Power of Positive Thinking?

1. What does give results—Action!
2. This is where we can use “power of positive thinking”—not to get what we want, but to help us DO what we need to DO!
3. Thoughts do not give results—Thoughts give actions!!!!
4. We do what we think about…

a. Why someone says “I’ve been thinking about this over and over and…..”
b. Why when we hear a motivational speaker and think about it, review our notes, talk about it, etc., we start acting.
c. Why it’s important to surround our kids with good things to think about—their peers are HUGE in what they think and thus what they act on.

D. We can Think ourselves to Action

1. So….we can’t think our way to success.
2. But we CAN think our way to actions!

a. Thoughts lead to actions
b. Actions lead to results


E. How does Think-Feel-EAT help with weight loss goals?

1. You don’t just think “I can lose weight” and then lose it!
2. Your BELIEVABLE Thoughts give you Feelings
3. And those Feelings lead to productive Actions
4. Rinse and repeat….


F. Learn more!

1. Episode 1 of Think-Feel-Eat…an Introduction to the Think-Feel-Act cycle (important first broadcast in the series!)

a. Video 
b. Podcast

2. Subscribe to blog
3. Subscribe to podcast
4. New Intermittent Fasting Course session begins the first Monday of each month!

Think-Feel-Eat #3: Bullying Ourselves to Goal Weight With Negative Thoughts? Part II of II

Think-Feel-Eat #3: Bullying Ourselves to Goal Weight With Negative Thoughts? Part II of II

Let’s put this Think-Feel-Eat “Bully Thoughts” all together this week….

And let’s start thinking better thoughts about ourselves so that we can feel better feelings…

AND…take more productive actions.

Even those who are completely new to thought work and emotional eating have to admit that we take actions based on how we FEEL…..

And guess what? 

Before we FEEL, we THINK….those thoughts lead to our feelings.

It’s hard work to manage our thoughts, but it is life changing and worth the effort for sure!

Don’t worry…I’m going to take your hand and help you every step of the way.


So….print your workbook HERE…

And here is this video below!

(Or listen to it on iTunes!)

I want so many good things for you!

Love and hope,


Episode 3—Think-Feel-Eat Broadcast/Podcast: Bullying Ourselves to Goal Weight With Negative Thoughts? Part II of II


I. REVIEW From Last Week: Negative Thoughts and Beliefs About Us—They Keep Us Stuck in Our Weight Loss Efforts




Get your handout for today’s new material (and print it off and fill it in—you can change your thoughts!)


A. Beliefs

1. But a belief is just a Thought that we have thought over and over and over again

a. Cinderella—“A dream is a wish your heart makes…when you’re fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches…whatever you wish for you keep.”
b. “A Belief is a Thought your mind thinks…over and over again. Change Thoughts, you will change your Beliefs too…with new Thoughts you’re sure to win!”

2. Remember, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, tells us that the brain is like a computer, and it believes whatever we tell it over and over again
3. So….if we can manage our brain and get ahold of those negative, recurring Thoughts about ourselves and turn them around, we can change our Beliefs about ourselves—and our Feelings and ultimately our Actions.


B. Negative Thoughts About Us

1. A negative thought is any thought that produces a result that is NOT a result we are trying to achieve; we think they are facts
2. We can change negative thoughts in general and negative thoughts about our weight and size specifically


C. We Look for and Find Evidence for Our Negative Thoughts About Us

1. Fact of life: When we think something about someone (even ourselves!), we look for evidence that those thoughts are true—we enumerate them, stack them up, and prove the Thought!
2. We become preoccupied with finding evidence for those Thoughts—even if we don’t mean to!


II. REVIEW From Last Week: Managing Those Negative Thoughts About Us


A. We can’t just keep the old negative ones and add positive ones onto them

1. We need to get rid of the current negative ones
2. We must believe that we need to change our Thoughts
3. We must believe that we can manage our minds if we work on it


B. We must question our old negative thoughts

a. Is this really a fact? (Usually not…)
b. Do I want this thought?
c. Can I change this thought?


III. Three Exercises


A. Exercise 1: List Positive Non-Weight-Related Thoughts

1. Let’s start with the positive thoughts you have about yourself that are non-weight related

a. These will not be weight/size/body/fitness related
b. We need a library of positive thoughts
2. Ask for help from a friend or family member if needed—ask them what they think you like most about yourself unrelated to weight (not what they like…but what they think you like!).


B. Exercise 2: List Current Positive Weight-Related Thoughts

1. List anything that you even SOMETIMES think about yourself that is good and weight or food or size or fitness related
2. These can be as simple as “I like a lot of vegetables”; “I love walking”; I know how to make low fat skillet dinners” etc.


C. Exercise 3: Replace Negative Weight-Related Thoughts

1. Next, list the negative thoughts and beliefs you have about weight/size/body/fitness

a. Be honest!
b. You’re not going to keep them—but you can’t get rid of them if you don’t acknowledge them
c. You might think they’re true—you might think they’re facts; you might think they’re real…..but even the real ones that are changeable features can be tweaked to serve you better

2. Next list positive thoughts you would like to have about your weight/size/body/fitness

a. All the way to the right…..list the linked ones first (the ones that are opposite of the negative ones)
b. At the bottom, add any other non-linked ones you would like to believe
c. Keep adding to this

3. In the middle, list the Monkey Bar Thoughts That You Can believe right now

a. Example Negative: I always overeat after 8:00
b. Example Thought I Want: I decide the night before what my eating hours will be the next day
c. Monkey Bar Thought: I am learning how to decide the night before what my eating hours will be the next day OR I can write down a longer eating window tomorrow but then choose to shorten it OR I can eat snacks after 8:00 only at the dining room table.
d. If you can’t come up with many “monkey bar” thoughts for your negative thoughts around weight, you might need to start with non-weight ones from this list that you already believe—

i. For many years, I wanted to write a book called “If I’m so clever, why can’t I lose weight?”…..I couldn’t understand why I could do certain things but not around weight loss!
ii. (Now I know it’s because of my brain, neurotransmitters, hormones, addictive food qualities, not using my adult brain, eating all the time…..all the things!


Next Intermittent Fasting Session will begin on March 2nd! Sign up here using SAVE20 for a $20 discount:

Think-Feel-Eat #2 Bullying Ourselves to Goal Weight With Negative Thoughts? Part I of II

Think-Feel-Eat #2 Bullying Ourselves to Goal Weight With Negative Thoughts? Part I of II

Can we think ourselves thin?

Can we think ourselves fat?

Well…yes and no!

Our thoughts lead to our feelings…and they both yield actions.

If we think negative thoughts about ourselves, essentially bullying ourselves into weight loss, we will have actions that do not get us where we want to go.

If we think positive thoughts about ourselves, essentially thinking thoughts that lead to empowering feelings, we will have actions that DO get us where we want to go.

So….yes we can think ourselves to our results!

And learning to manage our minds and change thoughts that give empowering feelings and productive actions is what Think-Feel-Eat is all about!

I want so many good things for you!

Love and hope,


I. Self Coaching Model Review



A. Believe all is 50/50

1. Effect on thoughts
2. We can accept the unchangeable without beating ourselves up…these thoughts don’t hurt us if they are just part of the half of negative in life.


B. C T F A R—Brooke Castillo’s Self-Coaching Model

1. CTFAR—See Totally FAR! 😊

a. Circumstance—One fact happening right now
b. Thought—A Thought that we think about that circumstance
c. Feeling—a Feeling that is created from that Thought
d. Actions—Actions that we take because of our Thought and Feeling
e. Result—the outcome or Result from the Actions that we took

2. Thought

a. We need to be able to see the thoughts that are unkind or punishing to ourselves
b. We must believe that these thoughts are leading to our feelings and our feelings are leading to our actions
c. We tend to believe all that we think—like if it is a Thought we are having, it must be true
d. All thoughts are optional—we can change them if we want to or need to
e. If we believe all of our thoughts, we will have feelings we don’t want

3. Feeling—

a. Our feelings are results of our thoughts—this is why it is crucial to control our thoughts…to take control of our brain and manage our thoughts instead of letting our thoughts run us.
b. We can go into the model and get a new feeling by going right above the Feeling line into the Thought line and changing that Thought (when appropriate)
c. Feelings are real—but sometimes they are based on Thoughts that we don’t want to have or that do not serve us
d. Goal is not continual happy Feelings that give the Result we want to achieve

4. Actions

a. We take actions always based on feelings…..
b. Our current actions in our weight loss efforts are a direct result of our Thoughts and Feelings….
c. We think it’s the other way around…that we Think and Feel because of our current Actions…but really our Thoughts and Feelings cause us to Act in certain ways (and, of course, get a certain Result!)



II. Negative Thoughts and Beliefs About Us—They Keep Us Stuck in Our Weight Loss Efforts


A. Beliefs

1. We might say that we can’t help it—we just believe this negative thing about ourselves and can’t be undone
2. But a belief is just a Thought that we have said over and over and over again

a. Cinderella—“A dream is a wish your heart makes…when you’re fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches…whatever you wish for you keep.”
b. “A Belief is a Thought your mind thinks…over and over again. Change Thoughts, you will change your Beliefs too…with new Thoughts you’re sure to win!’

3. Remember, “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself,” tells us that the brain is like a computer, and it believes whatever we tell it over and over again
4. So….if we can manage our brain and get ahold of those negative, recurring Thoughts about ourselves and turn them around, we can change our Beliefs about ourselves!
5. A Belief is a deeply-ingrained Thought!


B. Negative Thoughts About Us

1. A negative thought is any thought that produces a result that is NOT a result we are trying to achieve
2. We think these are facts
3. We can change negative thoughts in general and negative thoughts about our weight and size specifically


C. We Look for and Find Evidence for Our Negative Thoughts About Us

1. Fact of life: When we think something about someone (even ourselves!), we look for evidence that those thoughts are true—we enumerate them, stack them up, and prove the Thought!
2. We become preoccupied with finding evidence for those Thoughts—even if we don’t mean to!
3. These Thoughts narrow our focus…we can’t see beyond them


III. Managing Those Negative Thoughts About Us


A. We can’t just keep the old negative ones and add positive ones onto them

1. We need to get rid of the current negative ones
2. We must believe that we need to change our Thoughts
3. We must believe that we can manage our minds if we work on it


B. We must question our old negative thoughts

a. Is this really a fact? (Usually not…)
b. Do I want this thought?
c. Can I change this thought?


D. Next Week!

1. Looking at specific negative thoughts that we have about ourselves and our weight loss and body
2. How can we change these “bullying” thoughts to more productive thoughts
3. What good thoughts do you already have about yourself?
4. What Monkey Bar Thoughts can you use to change negative thoughts?

Sign up for month-long Intermittent Fasting Course here: Use code SAVE20 for $20 off. New session begins first Monday of the month!

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