Recent Articles
Fast Shot: Calorie Cycling With Intermittent Fasting
Welcome to my first FAST SHOT! I appreciate all of your support and encouragement for my weekly broadcast--Donna's IF Journal (videos at Youtube, podcast on iTunes, and blog post/video/outline at the blog). And I am definitely continuing that....teachers must teach! I...
Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 26
In Episode #26, Donna Reish, blogger, curriculum author of over 100 language arts/writing books, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, explains the basis of Calorie Cycling. She begins with how she “discovered” it—only to find out that it was a real thing! She then...
Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 25
Donna Reish, blogger, author of over 100 language arts/writing curriculum books, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, inspires listeners by reminding IFers how they become true “managers” of their lives through their success with this lifestyle. She explains that...
What Topics are Taught in the Intermittent Fasting Course?
It's time for another session (my second one--yay!) of my Intermittent Fasting Course. The first session was fantastic---went off beautifully in the course platform, had lots of interaction in the private course FB group, had tons of successes, everyone learned...
FREE “10 Intermittent Fasting Questions” Webinar
September/October FREE IF WEBINARS---Choose the Date/Time That Works for You! Thursday, September 26th @ 8:00pm Eastern Time Sunday, September 29th @ 9:00pm Eastern Time Tuesday, October 1st @ 10:00am Eastern Time Wednesday, October 2nd @ 8:00pm...
Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 24
Donna Reish, Intermittent Fasting blogger and author, tackles the subject of building belief in yourself and Intermittent Fasting through the teaching of James Clear, author of upcoming book, Atomic Habits. Donna starts out asking listeners to think back to...
Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 23
In this episode, Donna explains four ways we lose pounds and inches with Daily Intermittent Fasting, focusing on how three of the four of these have to do with the FASTING window (not necessarily the feasting window). She encourages listeners to not just...
Sharing My IF Course Graphics (I’m a Little Excited)!
The first session of my monthly Intermittent Fasting Course starts Monday! I’ve been researching two to three hours a day for eight months—but putting it all together in outlines, graphics, and video recordings for the past couple of months. And I am so...
Coupon Code for IF Course! (Video!)
Hello, friends! Many of you know that my tech assistant and I have been working day and night on my upcoming Intermittent Fasting course! I am so excited to bring you this month-long incremental teaching to get you on your IF healthy journey! I recently did a...
BEST Low Carb Crispy Chicken Salad (Air Fryer Options!)
You know how salad never tastes even remotely the same at home as it does in a restaurant? You can do all the Pinteresting and specialty shopping you want, and nothing will taste like a perfect steak house salad. And it is even worse for those of us who are limited...
Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 22
Donna Reish, author of Donna's Intermittent Fasting Course, blogger, and IF teacher, teaches how to get started with Intermittent Fasting with this episode of IF Primer. She gives steps for starting, including understanding how we lose weight and inches with...
Sugar-Free Chocolate Sauce
Even sugar-free peeps need chocolate sauce! Everybody needs chocolate sauce! When I was trying to do keto (before I discovered Intermittent Fasting!), I was constantly in my kitchen coming up with some sort of chocolate concoction that my ten-year old palate would...
Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 21
In this broadcast, Donna Reish (IF blogger, curriculum author, and course creator) gives her and her husband’s seven month IF update (70 pounds between the two of them and many sizes!). She describes their OMAD/3 (One Meal a Day divided into three...
Sugar-Free Caramel Sauce
For those trying to bake and cook without as much sugar, sugar-free sauces can be amazing! They don't spike your blood sugar, they are wayyyy lower in carbs than their normal counterparts, and you won't feel bloated or tired after eating them! This caramel sauce is...
How to Quietly Follow a Post on Facebook
People in Facebook groups can get pretty grouchy sometimes. And people in dieting FB groups are the worst of all! One of the things that FB groupies get the most upset about (besides the obvious posting of a picture of your lunch with half a banana on...
Check out the supplements that have changed my life!
Ray & Donna Reish Independent Ambassadors #1382677
Seductive Six—Food Concentrations That Make Us Crave and Overeat
I’ve been having such a great response to April’s “More Real Food” Challenge in my free private FB group. (We are almost done–but all of the previous videos are still there…we would love to have you join us!)
Basically, we have been learning about real foods vs. not real foods and their…
+Insulin responses
+Effect on leptin release and hearing leptin
+Impact on ghrelin taming
+Increase or decrease of dopamine spikes
+Influence on creating positive food habits
+fiber, water, and fluffiness contents
+Impact on over desiring, overeating, overweight, and control
+Much much more!
As we get better and better at Intermittent Fasting, we will keep insulin low 16-20 hours a day; we will tame ghrelin; we will hear leptin better…(Check out my free upcoming workshop for fasting help!)
And we will get really good at other skills as well.
Intermittent Fasting Journal #46
Donna Reish, blogger, Intermittent Fasting teacher, health seeker, and author of over 100 curriculum books for students shares the Four Ways We Reduce Weight, Inches, and Cravings With Intermittent Fasting in this episode. Donna uses her four quad chart to show the four things that affect weight loss, inch loss, and craving reductions. (Scroll down to the bottom to see the charts!)
The four ways we lose include getting into fat burning during the fast, retaining muscle through fasting, skimming off calories (and reducing cravings/controlling appetite through fasting), and boosting our metabolism. Donna then describes IF as a lifestyle and how we CAN tweak the schedule as desired, but veering too far off or constantly making exceptions can lead to our “stopping and starting” IF—which reduces the chance of it becoming a lifestyle for us. This episode is sponsored by Plexus Slim, Hunger Control. Get your free sample of this amazing, energy-giving pink drink HERE.
Fast Shot: Why All or Nothing Has Never Worked for Me
That feeling that I have tried so hard to overcome for three decades..
But I overcame it!
If you are one of those “all or nothing” gals—or “make too many changes at one time” gals—you are not alone!
So I documented the feeling—and everything I thought about to overcome this week’s Fast Shot video.
As you’ll see in the video—I did it without my hair done and make up on…and with no outline! Lol! (Something really is changing in me!)
Fast Shot: Eating More Real Foods
Today I have a Fast Shot that I created in my free private FB group (join here!) when I began the April “More Real Food” Challenge two weeks ago.
It isn’t quite as “fast” as my fast shots are supposed to be. (Shock, shock!)
And it has info in how to join the challenge (you can join anytime and watch all 30 of the videos in the group at your own pace).
But it also has some good info about considering which foods in your life are “real” (and thus, less seductive, craving-causing, calorie dense, appetite-increasing, etc.)….
And which foods are less than real (and thus, more seductive, craving-causing, calorie dense, and appetite-increasing)….
First Five Days of “More Real Food Challenge” (Videos and Outlines!)
Not real food… we call it processed food, packaged foods, sugary foods, calorie dense foods, nutrient lacking food, junk food, or something else?
And then what do we call Real Food—I mean, it can be in a package, right (frozen veggies, canned fruit, jars of nuts)? It can be calorie dense (butter, coconut oil, avocado, egg yolk, chicken skin….the list goes on). It can be in a package or not.
This month we are having a “More Real Food” Challenge in my free private FB group.
And I’m teaching live every. single. day. (Think lots of hats before I go work out! ha ha)
But I want us to learn and grow together–and change our eating habits in such a way that we have an impact on our overeating, overhunger, over craving, and over desire.
So…we are first of all PLANNING and determining a way to MEASURE (not like weighing our food or anything!).
April’s “More Real Food” Challenge
So I unearthed some secret to eating and cravings and dopamine spikes and “addictive” properties in food accidentally–and I’m not even a scientist, just a normal teacher who has written dozens of curriculum books.
Light bulb moment….me to my husband: “So I figured out what the worst culprits are for me!”
Husband: “What’s that?”
Me: “It’s the Trifacta!”
Husband: “What’s the Trifacta?”
Fast Shot: Sneak Peek of the Intermittent Fasting Course (Check Out These Graphics!)
Coming soon! Sign up by Sunday before the first Monday of the month!!! I’d love to teach you how to use Intermittent Fasting to achieve your weight and health goals!!
Get 20% off with this code SAVE20 !!!
Intermittent Fasting Journal #45
Intermittent Fasting Journal #44
In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about what to expect after one month of fasting and what to focus on for your fasting time and your eating window at this point. (She also gives lots of help and encouragement for new fasters in general!)
Donna begins with her and her husband’s “journal.” She talks about how there will always be things to work around and problems to solve. Being a problem solver is a huge part of achieving weight management. She talks about how she has a little longer eating window now (5-6 hours a day) due to her schedule with her husband and her strength training—and how important it is to eat more healthy and real foods when you have a longer eating window. She also describes her opening snack as “more real food” and less villainizing of a certain macronutrient (i.e. fats or carbs).
Next, Donna delves into what to expect and what to focus on during the fasting hours after a while on IF. First she suggests that you get to the fasting hours you desire—even if you need to do it incrementally. Rushing it and then quitting will not give you the adherence that is required to lose weight. (Get Donna’s IF Start Up Charts and try Chart 4!) She recommends focusing on the fast until you have a groove that works for you. She talks about the importance of flexibility in order to make fasting a lifestyle.
After your fasting is where you want it to be, Donna encourages you to watch out for Appetite Correction! It will be coming soon—ghrelin will continue to be tamed. Clock hunger will diminish. Taming ghrelin will happen through consistency in fasting! Hearing leptin signals will start getting better and better as you fast longer.
This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Specifically, Donna taught about Plexus Slim, the pink drink. She described the XOS—Prebiotic version that feeds the good bacteria in our guts and the Hunger Control—Appetite Suppressing version that gives us fiber to fill our guts up and keep us from overeating. Both Slims balance blood sugar, give energy, enhance mood, help with sleep, provide antioxidants, and much more. Try your free sample today by clicking HERE.
Intermittent Fasting Journal #43
In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about whether you should continue to fast when weight loss has plateaued, slowed, or stopped. She begins this presentation by telling, in a nutshell, why she and her husband (the two have lost over 100 pounds together in a year on IF) will always practice some form of Intermittent Fasting (in spite of both of their “weight plateaus” right now).
Donna begins this discussion by talking about what was happening to her before IF—always some form of dieting, losing and regaining, perfection or guilt, limiting one macro or another, etc. She also discusses the differences among various metrics—pounds, inches, clothes, appearance—and how we should consider all, not just weight. She also touches on motivation to exercise and change our bodies.
Next, Donna describes the difficulties in achieving leptin and insulin sensitivities. Both of these require us to exercise and eat right—the two things that resistances cause us NOT to be able to do! With IF, these things are done for us. She goes into detail about we can tame grehlin and hear leptin signals. She delves into toher food controls, including the ability to eat closer to what our bodies need (30% less than what we typically ate before IF), the beauty of the built-in boundaries IF provides, the ability to practice 80/20 including parties and special occasions, and much more.
The “other benefits” that Donna describes would be enough to keep anyone on the IF train, even if weight loss isn’t so fast. These include time, money, energy, and trash savings; metabolism boosting; dopamine spikes less with less frequent eating, resulting in our not desiring certain foods as much; inch loss; eating all macros; simplicity; disease prevention; longevity; cognitive function; and so much more!
This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Specifically, Donna taught about Plexus Slim, the pink drink. She described the XOS—Prebiotic version that feeds the good bacteria in our guts and the Hunger Control—Appetite Suppressing version that gives us fiber to fill our guts up and keep us from overeating. Both Slims balance blood sugar, give energy, enhance mood, help with sleep, provide antioxidants, and much more. Try your free sample today by going HERE.
Check out the supplements that have changed my life!
Ray & Donna Reish Independent Ambassadors #1382677
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Check out the supplements that have changed my life!
Ray & Donna Reish Independent Ambassadors #1382677