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Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 8

  In Week 8 of The Intermittent Fasting Journal podcast/video, Donna Reish, blogger and "Fasting Inferno" parody writer, describes her eighth week of Daily IF, including 20 hour fasting window, weight loss . spite of vacations and holidays, how much easier IF is...

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Intermittent Fasting Journal: Week 7

  Donna Reish, author of "Fasting Inferno" parody on YouTube, describes her seventh week of Daily Intermittent Fasting in this video/podcast. Donna describes her 19 hour daily fasting windows, adapting Daily IF to holidays and special days, using an app for...

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3 Favorite Green Bean Recipes

  Okay...I admit it....I am obsessed with green beans. If you knew how I used to eat a couple of years ago (before Plexus), you would understand why. I had been trying to "keto" for a few years (and actually even a moderate carb average of 100 per day healed my...

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Intermittent Fasting Journal: Week 6

  Welcome to Week 6/Episode 6 of the Intermittent Fasting Journal! I'm excited to be on this weight management journey--and excited to share it with you! is my outline for this week!...

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Happy New Year!

    Just wanted to pop in to wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous, exciting, meaningful 2018.....   Thought you might like this graphic my tech girl just made of me and Hubby. (We are the second picture.... ROFLOL). Sometimes life is just like this...

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Intermittent Fasting Journal: Week 5

  Episode 5 of The Intermittent Fasting Journal! That means I am five weeks in to IF! I am loving it--as you will be able to tell from this episode!   I am learning so many things--and I am growing as a person through the empowerment that I experience from...

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Creamy Greens

  My hubby is doing so great three weeks into Intermittent Fasting*! I am excited to be doing this lifestyle with him, getting healthy together and losing weight. (We have been on our Plexus journey together for nearly two years, but now he is also losing weight with...

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Intermittent Fasting Journal: Week Four

    I went to Disney World! And I went to the Plexus Leaders' Retreat that I earned for my summer Plexus biz. And hubby went with me. AND.. I did IF the whole week! Yep, Intermittent Fasting passed the true dieters' test--a plan you can stay on while on...

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Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 24

Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 24


Donna Reish, Intermittent Fasting blogger and author, tackles the subject of building belief in yourself and Intermittent Fasting through the teaching of James Clear, author of upcoming book, Atomic Habits. Donna starts out asking listeners to think back to something that they have done consistently, something that they have been successful at. Then she builds on that to explain that we are successful at something when we take it on as our identity. We are consistent then we succeed. It becomes US, who we are. She then applies this to weight management endeavors. Many of us were not successful because we didn’t have our bodies working FOR us to help us build the habits that it takes to be successful with weight management and fitness. Donna then explains a two-step process that Clear teaches in his articles and videos—that of taking on the identity of who or what you want to become and THEN applying TINY habits that support that identity. She explains how we can do this with Intermittent Fasting, exercising, and other habits that may have eluded us before we became fat adapted and developed balanced hunger hormones. Everything is different now with IF—and we can be exactly what we want to be—even something that we previously never thought possible!

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Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 23

Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 23


In this episode, Donna explains four ways we lose pounds and inches with Daily Intermittent Fasting, focusing on how three of the four of these have to do with the FASTING window (not necessarily the feasting window). She encourages listeners to not just consider pound loss when Intermittent Fasting, but to also consider inch loss and the effect that has on how we look and our clothing size (and ultimately how we feel in our clothing).  The first way we lose is that we become “fat adapted” through fasting. This is when the body becomes a “fat burner” rather than a “sugar burner.” This way is influenced by the fasting window. The second way we lose is that muscle is retained while fat is burned, causing inch loss. This happens as Human Growth Hormone is increased between 500 and 2,000% during the fasting window. This way is also based on the fasting window. The third way we lose weight is that a shorter eating window AND balancing of hunger hormones cause us to make a small calorie deficit during our eating window that causes pound loss over time. This happens during the eating window, but is influenced by the fasting window/balancing hunger hormones (ghrelin and leptin). The fourth way we lose is through the boosting of metabolism that happens during Intermittent Fasting.  This metabolism boost has been shown in research to be up to 12-14 percent from fasting. This weight loss mechanism is most affected by the length of the fast. Donna encourages readers to grasp what our bodies can do FOR us during Intermittent Fasting, rather than what we might have historically thought about our bodies when it felt like they were working AGAINST us.

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Sharing My IF Course Graphics (I’m a Little Excited)!


The first session of my monthly Intermittent Fasting Course starts Monday! I’ve been researching two to three hours a day for eight months—but putting it all together in outlines, graphics, and video recordings for the past couple of months. And I am so excited!

I did a FB Live video sharing just a small portion of the many charts, graphics, and Fast Sheets that I teach from in the course, so I thought I would create a blog post with that video to show my readers some of them!

Check out the course details here:

Don’t forget to use the coupon code first30 (for the August 2018 session).

Watch below to see how amazing my graphics girl is—and to get an idea of some of the topics this course will cover in a step-by-step manner!





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Coupon Code for IF Course! (Video!)


Hello, friends! Many of you know that my tech assistant and I have been working day and night on my upcoming Intermittent Fasting course! I am so excited to bring you this month-long incremental teaching to get you on your IF healthy journey!

I recently did a FB live video in my IF group to explain a little bit about what the course contains. I hope you will watch it and learn more about the course—and get a coupon code at the end of the video for $30 off the course for the first 30 enrollees!




Find course details HERE

Learn more about my weight loss journey HERE

Sign up for my month-long, step-by-step course (starts the first Monday of each month)

Subscribe to the blog and get free IF start up charts

Join my private FB group where I teach IF!

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BEST Low Carb Crispy Chicken Salad (Air Fryer Options!)

best low carb crispy chicken salad


You know how salad never tastes even remotely the same at home as it does in a restaurant? You can do all the Pinteresting and specialty shopping you want, and nothing will taste like a perfect steak house salad. And it is even worse for those of us who are limited in what we like in our salads! (Think croutons, meat, and cheese! ha ha) My favorite salad for many years as been the Chicken Caesar Salad from Applebees–without the dressing (I know….I eat like a ten year old!) and with CRISPY chicken rather than grilled. (I do love grilled chicken, and as soon as my new Intermittent Fasting course is up and live, I am going to share my amazing oven grilled chicken marinade recipe….want to get some new pics for it!) But no matter what I did, I couldn’t duplicate at home. They have amazing sour dough croutons that aren’t airy or break-your-teeth hard. They are juuuuust right. They have the crispest Romaine. Perfect salad cheese. Yes, I am craving it right now!

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Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 22

Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 22


Donna Reish, author of Donna’s Intermittent Fasting Course, blogger, and IF teacher, teaches how to get started with Intermittent Fasting with this episode of IF Primer. She gives steps for starting, including understanding how we lose weight and inches with IF, choosing your IF protocol, deciding on speed of starting for yourself, and planning your fasting window and feasting window. Donna introduces the various protocols of IF and how they affect weight loss, food in your feasting window, and how they put you into fat burning sooner or more frequently. She encourages listeners to start at the pace that they desire–quickly with more hunger at first but white knuckling through the first two weeks until your hormones are balanced and your body is trained to burn its own fat or slower with fewer hard days at first (but taking longer to get into fat burning). Donna also emphasizes the importance of planning your time during the fast and planning your food during the eating window so that you create that calorie deficit that is needed (but not so drastic that you are not able to keep your fasting hours). She reminds listeners to get her free Intermittent Fasting Start Up Charts, to read about how to fast well at her blog, and/or to sign up for her upcoming IF Course.  

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Sugar-Free Chocolate Sauce


Even sugar-free peeps need chocolate sauce! Everybody needs chocolate sauce!

When I was trying to do keto (before I discovered Intermittent Fasting!), I was constantly in my kitchen coming up with some sort of chocolate concoction that my ten-year old palate would enjoy. I found out dozens of things that are great…and dozens that are not so great. I only share the chocolates that I would eat on the blog! 🙂

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Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 21

Intermittent Fasting Journal – Week 21


In this broadcast, Donna Reish (IF blogger, curriculum author, and course creator) gives her and her husband’s seven month IF update (70 pounds between the two of them and many sizes!). She describes their OMAD/3 (One Meal a Day divided into three parts—SED—Snack/Entrée/Dessert) as well as how they open their eating window. Donna then briefly reviews last week’s info on 7 Ways to Lose Weight Faster With Intermittent Fasting (fasting longer, OMAD/3, Fasting Spectrum, reducing carbs somewhat, keto diet, exercise, and counting calories). She moves into more weight loss helps and tips and describes the effect of each one on the Intermittent Faster: drinking coffee, sleeping longer/better, consuming water, keeping truly busy, taking 5 HTP, and filling the stomach with fiber! Donna’s sponsor today is her beloved Accelerator—with caffeine, 5HTP, yerbe mate (appetite suppressant), and more!

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How to Quietly Follow a Post on Facebook

How to Quietly Follow a Post on Facebook


People in Facebook groups can get pretty grouchy sometimes. And people in dieting FB groups are the worst of all!


One of the things that FB groupies get the most upset about (besides the obvious posting of a picture of your lunch with half a banana on the plate on low carb FB pages!) is that of people following a post by writing “Following” or placing * in the Comments Section. Wowsie…I have seen people come undone over this one (over the “Following” AND the half a banana!).




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